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Implementing a time scale in game with fixed physics update

I'm currently putting together my game loop based on the "Fix Your Timestep" article at This is going fine, but I'm also trying to implement a 'time scale', i.e. a way to control the game speed.

Currently, the delta time is added to an accumulator, and then a loop iterates the physics as many times as there are multiples of the fixed time step in the accumulator.

Now, if I want to add a time scale, I should multiply the delta time by some factor, 0.5 for half speed or something, yes?

Here are my questions:

Should I still use the real fixed time step (prior to multiplication) to determine how often the physics is iterated, but perform the actual calculations with the increased or decreased time step? Or should I use the new time step for both, but surely this would just result in the same behaviour but with higher resolution calculations?

Wait, wait, wait. I have to affect the accumulator too, right? Then it would increase by a smaller frame time, but it would do the right amount of iterations with smaller dTs, over the right amount of time (the real delta time). That'd do it, right?

Given that the purpose of the fixed time step is to perform stable physics calculations, how can I combine these two concepts without jeopardising that stability?

Is it simply that LARGE time steps cause instability? Can I therefore slow down as much as I like? Or is it the variations in time step that causes instability?
