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XNA: Creating Meshmesh at runtimerun-time

I've a set of voxel data and iI want to create a mesh out of it at runtimerun-time.

I've looked into MeshBuilderMeshBuilder and MeshHelperMeshHelper but I haven't found anything useful or anya good tutorial how to use them.
I would appreciateCan anyone tell me how to get some help.

regards Valdiralitacreate a mesh at run-time?

XNA: Creating Mesh at runtime

I've a set of voxel data and i want to create a mesh out of it at runtime.
I've looked into MeshBuilder and MeshHelper but I haven't found anything useful or any good tutorial how to use them.
I would appreciate to get some help.

regards Valdiralita

Creating mesh at run-time

I've a set of voxel data and I want to create a mesh out of it at run-time.

I've looked into MeshBuilder and MeshHelper but I haven't found anything useful or a good tutorial how to use them. Can anyone tell me how to create a mesh at run-time?

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I've a set of voxel data and i want to create a mesh out of it at runtime. The vertices i want to use are already generated. 
I've looked into MeshBuilder and MeshHelper but I haven't found anything useful or any good tutorial how to use them. 
I would appreciate to get some help.

regards Valdiralita

I've a set of voxel data and i want to create a mesh out of it at runtime. The vertices i want to use are already generated. I've looked into MeshBuilder and MeshHelper but I haven't found anything useful or any good tutorial how to use them. I would appreciate to get some help.

regards Valdiralita

I've a set of voxel data and i want to create a mesh out of it at runtime. 
I've looked into MeshBuilder and MeshHelper but I haven't found anything useful or any good tutorial how to use them. 
I would appreciate to get some help.

regards Valdiralita

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XNA: Creating Mesh at runtime

I've a set of voxel data and i want to create a mesh out of it at runtime. The vertices i want to use are already generated. I've looked into MeshBuilder and MeshHelper but I haven't found anything useful or any good tutorial how to use them. I would appreciate to get some help.

regards Valdiralita