If you want a component that doesn't have a 1:1 relationship with entities but a n:1 relationship, as in "an entity can have multiple instances of that component", then you need a Dynamic Buffer Component.
A dynamic buffer component is basically a component that is not a single structure but an array of structures.
I actually createcreated a ECS prototype of a game that seems very similar to yours. That was about a year ago, so considering the speed with which DOTS evolves it probably no longer follows the idiomatic style of the week. But this is how I solved this back then.
This is my ResourceStorage structure. Each entity with an inventory has one per resource.
public enum ResourceType : short {
METAL = 0,
FOOD = 1
// Remember to update the InternalBufferCapacity of the ResourceStorage buffer component below when adding more resources
public struct ResourceStorage : IBufferElementData {
public ResourceType type;
public float max;
public float current;
This is the code that adds an inventory to an entity:
public void SetResourceStorageData(IEnumerable<ResourceStorage> values, Entity entity) {
EntityManager manager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;
DynamicBuffer<ResourceStorage> buffer;
buffer = manager.AddBuffer<ResourceStorage>(entity);
foreach (ResourceStorage entry in values) {
This is the resource production system that increases it:
public partial class ResourceProductionSystem : SystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate()
float deltaTime = SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime;
Entities.ForEach((DynamicBuffer<model.ResourceStorage> storages) => {
for (var i = 0; i < storages.Length; i++) {
var storage = storages[i];
storage.current += deltaTime;
storage.current = math.clamp(storage.current, 0.0f, storage.max);
storages[i] = storage;