You couldcan create the mesh in Blender (or otheranother 3D modeling program).
After you did that, you couldcan create a 1single channel texture (red for example), where at the start of the health bar, it is 0, it's 0
and it slowly fades to 11
until you get to the end of the mesh, like this:
(Note: The choice of using 1 channel for the texture is just because you don't need the rest, you could use regular RGB/RGBA texture if you'd like)Note: The choice of using only one channel for the texture is just because you don't need the rest, you could use regular RGB/RGBA texture if you'd like.
Than,Then create a shader in your engine of choice, and you could use the health of the player and the texture above, to cut out the health bar as you like.
Here is an example in Unity: