The reference manual is up to date in the nvidia site Cg 3.0 Reference Manual, which i believe is where you can get most of the information you want. It does contain very detailed data of everything you can do with Cg, I don't think there's something missing there, but it may be hard to read at first as it's just a reference for all the technical aspects of it, you will hardly find something like a tutorial in it, perhaps there is some very small examples to explain some concepts (I'm gonna read some now it looks interesting).
EDIT: The manual don't seemsdoesn't seem to be that tough as I expected, if you have some experience with Cg or something similar already. I downloaded everything from the Cg Toolkit Download page. There it also mentions the users manuals and the demo tutorials were not updated, I believe you may find more updated tutorials on the web.
and this is The Cg Tutorial book, it may be useful for people interested in Cg