I'm making an infinite runner type game and I want one of my enemies (when it's created) to swoop down in a sort of U motion where it'll hit the player if they don't react quick enough once the enemy (bat) leaves the screen it'll be destroyed and created again once certain requirements are met . The path will be the same each time so I don't need anything to do with AI. Unfortunately I'm only in grade 10 so calculus makes no sense to me and neither does the pathfinding libgdx documentation. I either need something similar to this (But written for libgdx) or some way to get a box2d body to move in an exact way.
My game is structured like this:
in Bat.java:
public class Bat extends Sprite {
private World world;
public Bat(GameScreen screen) {
this.world = screen.getWorld();
In GameScreen.Java
public class GameScreen implements Screen {
private Bat bat = new Bat(this);
public World getWorld(){
return world;