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You can make your own progress bar by a using shader.

The first thing you should do is mask the uvcoordinates horizontally. The horizontally.stepStep function function lets you do this.

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

Unreal doesn't have the step function, so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

You can also use the hlsl step function, in the material editor. Make a custom node, with two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B)
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

useful link: Gradient Functions

You can make your own progress bar by a using shader.

The first thing you should do is mask the uvcoordinates. The horizontally.step function lets you do this

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

Unreal doesn't have the step function, so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

You can also use the hlsl step function, in the material editor. Make a custom node, with two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B)
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

useful link: Gradient Functions

You can make your own progress bar by a using shader.

The first thing you should do is mask the uvcoordinates horizontally.Step function lets you do this.

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

Unreal doesn't have the step function, so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

You can also use the hlsl step function, in the material editor. Make a custom node, with two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B)
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

useful link: Gradient Functions

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youYou can make your own progress bar by a using shader.

The first thing you should do is mask uvcoord horizontallythe uvcoordinates.step The horizontally.step function letlets you do this

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

unreal haven't stepUnreal doesn't have the step function, so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

Also youYou can also use the hlsl stepstep function, in the material editor. Make a custom node, makewith two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B) 
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

useful link: Gradient Functions

you can make your own progress bar by using shader.

first you should mask uvcoord horizontally.step function let you do this

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

unreal haven't step function so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

Also you can use the hlsl step function in the material editor. Make a custom node, make two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B){
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

useful link: Gradient Functions

You can make your own progress bar by a using shader.

The first thing you should do is mask the uvcoordinates. The horizontally.step function lets you do this

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

Unreal doesn't have the step function, so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

You can also use the hlsl step function, in the material editor. Make a custom node, with two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B) 
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

useful link: Gradient Functions

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you can make your own progress bar by using shader.

first you should mask uvcoord horizontally.step function let you do this

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

unreal haven't step function so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

Also you can use the hlsl step function in the material editor. Make a custom node, make two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B){
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

useful link: Gradient Functions

you can make your own progress bar by using shader.

first you should mask uvcoord horizontally.step function let you do this

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

unreal haven't step function so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

Also you can use the hlsl step function in the material editor. Make a custom node, make two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B){
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

you can make your own progress bar by using shader.

first you should mask uvcoord horizontally.step function let you do this

The step() interpolation receives two parameters. The first one is the limit or threshold, while the second one is the value we want to check or pass. Any value under the limit will return 0.0 while everything above the limit will return 1.0.

unreal haven't step function so you can use if expression.

If expression

Making Step Function

Also you can use the hlsl step function in the material editor. Make a custom node, make two inputs named A and B.then use below code:

if(A < B){
return 0;
return 1;

custom expression

Step Function

Create widget BluePrint and set this material to your image:

Health Bar

useful link: Gradient Functions

added 86 characters in body
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