I have a coroutine, which I called from the Update()
method on every click.
First, I call AddTrunk()
to add to my trunkList
, beforethen I use my coroutine to move the animation for 0.3 seconds. After 0.3 seconds, it calls Destroy()
, and then it changes transform.position
. However, before completing the animation, it runs transform.position
; it first my tree down first, and then does the animation.
This is where I call my coroutine:
void Update ()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0))
AddTrunk ();
if (!isRunning)
StartCoroutine (BranchOutAnimation ());
Here is the coroutine BranchOutAnimation()
IEnumerator BranchOutAnimation()
while (true)
isRunning = true;
iTween.MoveTo (trunkList[index],
new Vector3 (trunkList[index].transform.position.x
- 5f, trunkList[index].transform.position.y,
trunkList [index].transform.position.z), 0.3f);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.3f);
Destroy (trunkList [index]);
trunkList.RemoveAt (index);
transform.position = new Vector3 (transform.position.x, transform.position.y
- treeHeight, transform.position.z);
isRunning = false;
yield break;
What am I doing wrong?