I am just through implementing scene voxelization myself, and I am doing the dominant axis selection for a primitive like this in the geometry shader:
// First calculate the face normal
float3 facenormal = abs(normalize(input[0].normal + input[1].normal + input[2].normal));
// Then the dominant axis is the face normal's max component:
uint maxi = facenormal[1] > facenormal[0] ? 1 : 0;
maxi = facenormal[2] > facenormal[maxi] ? 2 : maxi;
for( uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
// The position is in World space, transform to voxel space:
output[i].pos = float4((input[i].pos.xyz - (float3)VoxelSceneCenterPos / (float)VoxelSceneScale, 1);
// Projection matrix is unnecessary, just a swizzle is enough:
if (maxi == 0)
output[i].pos.xyz = output[i].pos.zyx;
else if (maxi == 1)
output[i].pos.xyz = output[i].pos.xzy;
// And if the dominant axis is Z, then I do nothing because that is the default projection plane for me.
// Then I just project the voxel space pos like this:
output[i].pos.xy /= (float)VoxelSceneResolution;
output[i].pos.zzw = 1;
// After this step, the output[i].pos is in clip space, the rasterization will take place on this value.
In my code, input
is the three vertices from the vertex shader stage, output
is the TriangleStream which the geometry shader emits (which is also three vertices).
is a uniform from a constant buffer which is the center of the voxelization (for example (0,0,0) vector).
is a uniform from a constant buffer which is the size of a single voxel (default value is 1).
is a uniform from a constant buffer which is the resolution of the voxel grid (for example for a 256256256 grid this value is 256).
My main idea comes from this cool presentation by NVIDIA.
Good luck!