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I am having issues, trying to get my A Star algorithm'algorithm working, the main problem is with my process of the algorithm, I am using something known as the TL engine which has some of its own datatypes and functions but for the most part, I am 90% certain my problem is with my C++ code and not with TL-engine function, specifically with my understanding / implementation of the algorithm.

myMy grid is a 10x10 grid, called SNodeCubeArray[10][10] my.

My program reads a txtfile in and sets a base value which determines which bools it will set.

  • Normal Nodes always have a cost of :1= 1
  • Woods Cost = 2
  • Water Cost = 3
  • Obstacle / wall = 0 (but is impassable)

someSome functions / variables explanation:

This is the structstruct I have declared it is the datatype I'll be using with Unique_ptr's deque.

    // Code by ryan newell uclan student G20618255  -> for self reference
        struct node
        // The Structs actual location in the array eg [3,3]
        int mLoc_X; // Current X- Position in the Node stored
        int mLoc_y; // Current Y- Position in the node stored
        int mHeuristic_Manhattan; // Is the stored nodes manhattan distance
        // These floats are so I can store the coordinates of the linked cubes it should be in.
        //Temporary storage for the string reading. 
        char mNodeValue;
        // Declares what kind node it is. 
        bool mIsObstacle = false;
        bool mIsWater = false;
        bool mIsWoods = false;
        bool mIsStartNode = false;
        bool mIsDestNode = false;
        //Cost storage heurestic 
        int mNodeCost; // The cost to travel between the nodes
        int mAccumulatedCost; // The accumulated cost of the node + its parent
        int mvalue_f; // Is its total score which will equals NodeCost+Heuristic
        node* m_parent;

This Isis my functions section of the code being used, that we need to know about, any functions I haven't likely are TL-engine functions, and tested to work.

// sorts the node array by order of total_score
        bool CompareNodeScores(unique_ptr<node>& lhs, unique_ptr<node>& rhs)
            return lhs->mvalue_f < rhs->mvalue_f;
bool check_greater_fcost(
   bool check_greater_fcost(deque <unique_ptr< node >> &closeList, 
    unique_ptr <node> &NewState_n, 
    deque <unique_ptr<node>> &openList)
        if (openList.empty() == false)
            for (auto it = openList.begin(); it != openList.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->mLoc_X == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X && 
          (*it)->mLoc_y == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_y && NewState_n->mvalue_f >= (*it)->mvalue_f)
              NewState_n->mvalue_f >= {(*it)->mvalue_f)
                    return true;
                return false;
        if (closeList.empty() == false)
    for (auto it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->mLoc_X == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X && 
          (*it)->mLoc_y == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_y && NewState_n->mvalue_f >= (*it)->mvalue_f)
              NewState_n->mvalue_f >= {(*it)->mvalue_f)
                    return true;
                return false;

bool astar_checklists(
  deque <unique_ptr< node >> &closeList, 
  unique_ptr <node> &RuleCurrent, 
  deque <unique_ptr<node>> &openList, 
  unique_ptr <node> &CurrentNode)
    // set p to the beginning of the loop
    for (auto it = openList.begin(); it != openList.end(); it++)
        if ((*it)->mLoc_X == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_X && 
        (*it)->mLoc_y == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_y)
            (*it)->mAccumulatedCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mHeuristic_Manhattan = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan;
            (*it)->mNodeCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mvalue_f = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan + RuleCurrent->mNodeCost;
            (*it)->m_parent = CurrentNode->m_parent;
            return true;
    // set p to the beginning of the loop
    for (auto it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); it++)
        if ((*it)->mLoc_X == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_X && 
        (*it)->mLoc_y == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_y){
      (*it)->mAccumulatedCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mHeuristic_Manhattan = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan;
            (*it)->mNodeCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mvalue_f = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan + RuleCurrent->mNodeCost;
            (*it)->m_parent = CurrentNode->m_parent;

            sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
            return true;
                return true;
    return false;
void AStarFindPathNew(
  I3DEngine* myEngine, 
  IModel* ANodeCubeModels[10][10], 
  node SNodeArray[10][10], 
  int storemLoc_X, 
  int storemLoc_y, 
  int storedestmLoc_x, 
  int storedestmLoc_y)
  int xstore = 0;
  int ystore = 0;
  int xplus = 0;
  int yplus = 0;
  bool goal_state_found = false;
  //bool current_is_on_openlist = false;
  //bool current_is_on_closelist = false; previous unused values
  //bool current_is_on_bothlists = false;
  ofstream outfile;
  unique_ptr <node> NewState_n(new node);
  unique_ptr <node> CurrentNode(new node);
  unique_ptr <node> initialState(new node);
  deque <unique_ptr < node > > openList;
  deque <unique_ptr < node > > closeList;

  // Declaring Intial state
  initialState->mLoc_X = gSTART_X;
  initialState->mLoc_y = gSTART_Y;
  initialState->m_parent = 0;
  initialState->mAccumulatedCost = 0;
  initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan( ANodeCubeModels, 
  initialState->mvalue_f = initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan + initialState->mNodeCost;
  DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);
  xstore = gSTART_X;
  ystore = gSTART_Y;

  while (!goal_state_found || !openList.empty())
    // Values Value_G = Manhattan Distance = mHeuristic_Manhattan
    // Value: Value_MC = Movement Cost Heuristic  = mNodeCost
    // Value: Value_F = H + MC = m_valuef
    CurrentNode = (move(openList.front()));
    cout << "popped open to New current Node = " << 
      CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;
    //cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << "," << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << "  Target: " 
    // << gDDEST_X << "," << gDDEST_Y << endl;
    if (CurrentNode->mLoc_X == storedestmLoc_x && CurrentNode->mLoc_y == storedestmLoc_y)
        int xstore = 0;
            int ystore = 0;
            int xplus = 0;
            int yplus = 0;
            bool goal_state_found = false;
            //bool current_is_on_openlist = false;
            //bool current_is_on_closelist = false; previous unused values
            //bool current_is_on_bothlists = false;
            ofstream outfile;
            unique_ptr <node> NewState_n(new node);
            unique_ptr <node> CurrentNode(new node);
            unique_ptr <node> initialState(new node);
            deque <unique_ptr < node > > openList;
            deque <unique_ptr < node > > closeList;
            // Declaring Intial state
            initialState->mLoc_X = gSTART_X;
            initialState->mLoc_y = gSTART_Y;
            initialState->m_parent = 0;
            initialState->mAccumulatedCost = 0;
            initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan(ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, initialState->mLoc_X, initialState->mLoc_y, storedestmLoc_x, storedestmLoc_y);
            initialState->mvalue_f = initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan + initialState->mNodeCost;
            DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);
            xstore = gSTART_X;
            ystore = gSTART_Y;
            while (!goal_state_found || !openList.empty())
                // Values Value_G = Manhattan Distance = mHeuristic_Manhattan
                // Value: Value_MC = Movement Cost Heuristic  = mNodeCost
                // Value: Value_F = H + MC = m_valuef
                CurrentNode = (move(openList.front()));
                cout << "popped open to New current Node = " << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;
                //cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << "," << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << "  Target: " << gDDEST_X << "," << gDDEST_Y << endl;
                if (CurrentNode->mLoc_X == storedestmLoc_x && CurrentNode->mLoc_y == storedestmLoc_y)
                    cout << "Found Path" << endl;
                    fRetracesteps(myEngine, ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, CurrentNode);
                DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        xplus = 0;
                        yplus = +1;
                    if (i == 1)
                        xplus = +1;
                        yplus = 0;
                    if (i == 2)
                        xplus = 0;
                        yplus = -1;
                    if (i == 3)
                        xplus = -1;
                        yplus = 0;
                    cout << "Generating Rule X:" << xstore + xplus << "Y:" << ystore + yplus << endl;
                    //d) i Generate N 
                    NewState_n.reset(new node);
                    NewState_n->mLoc_X = CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus;
                    NewState_n->mLoc_y = CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus;
                    NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost = CurrentNode->mAccumulatedCost + SNodeArray[NewState_n->mLoc_X][NewState_n->mLoc_y].mHeuristic_Manhattan;
                    NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan(ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, NewState_n->mLoc_X, NewState_n->mLoc_y, storedestmLoc_x, storedestmLoc_y);
                    NewState_n->mvalue_f = NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan + NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost;
                    NewState_n->m_parent = CurrentNode.get();
                    cout << NewState_n->m_parent;
                    cout << "Checking curent rule for within boundaries" << endl;
                    if (!checkcurrentruleinbounds(NewState_n))
                    NewState_n->mIsObstacle = SNodeArray[CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus][CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus].mIsObstacle;
                    cout << "Checking whether the rule is on the lists or has a greater cost" << endl;
                    if (astar_checklists(closeList, NewState_n, openList,CurrentNode) && !check_greater_fcost(closeList, NewState_n, openList))
                    if (NewState_n->mIsObstacle != true)
                            //cout << "Setting newstate_n" << NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X << NewState_n->mLoc_y << NewState_n->m_parent;
                            sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
                            cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y;
                    DisplayOpenlistWithScore(openList, outfile);
                cout << "Finished first set of rules" << endl;
                cout << "Close List:" << CurrentNode->mLoc_X <<":"<< CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;
     cout << "Found Path" << endl;
      fRetracesteps(myEngine, ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, CurrentNode);
    DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      if (i == 0)
        xplus = 0;
        yplus = +1;
      if (i == 1)
        xplus = +1;
        yplus = 0;
      if (i == 2)
        xplus = 0;
        yplus = -1;
      if (i == 3)
        xplus = -1;
        yplus = 0;
      cout << "Generating Rule X:" << xstore + xplus << "Y:" << ystore + yplus << endl;
      //d) i Generate N 
      NewState_n.reset(new node);
      NewState_n->mLoc_X = CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus;
      NewState_n->mLoc_y = CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus;
      NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost = CurrentNode->mAccumulatedCost + 
      NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan(ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, 
                 NewState_n->mLoc_X, NewState_n->mLoc_y, storedestmLoc_x, storedestmLoc_y);
      NewState_n->mvalue_f = NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan + NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost;
      NewState_n->m_parent = CurrentNode.get();
      cout << NewState_n->m_parent;

      cout << "Checking curent rule for within boundaries" << endl;
      if (!checkcurrentruleinbounds(NewState_n))

      NewState_n->mIsObstacle = 
        SNodeArray[CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus][CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus].mIsObstacle;
      cout << "Checking whether the rule is on the lists or has a greater cost" << endl;
      if (astar_checklists(closeList, NewState_n, openList, CurrentNode) && 
          !check_greater_fcost(closeList, NewState_n, openList))
      if (NewState_n->mIsObstacle != true)
        //cout << "Setting newstate_n" << NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X << 
          //NewState_n->mLoc_y << NewState_n->m_parent;
        sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
        cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y;
      DisplayOpenlistWithScore(openList, outfile);
    cout << "Finished first set of rules" << endl;
    cout << "Close List:" << CurrentNode->mLoc_X <<":"<< CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;


I am having issues, trying to get my A Star algorithm' working, the main problem is with my process of the algorithm, I am using something known as the TL engine which has some of its own datatypes and functions but for the most part, I am 90% certain my problem is with my C++ code and not with TL-engine function, specifically with my understanding / implementation of the algorithm.

my grid is a 10x10 grid, called SNodeCubeArray[10][10] my program reads a txtfile in and sets a base value which determines which bools it will set.

  • Normal Nodes always have a cost of :1
  • Woods Cost = 2
  • Water Cost = 3
  • Obstacle / wall = 0 (but is impassable)

some functions / variables explanation

This is the struct I have declared it is the datatype I'll be using with Unique_ptr's deque.

    // Code by ryan newell uclan student G20618255  -> for self reference
        struct node
        // The Structs actual location in the array eg [3,3]
        int mLoc_X; // Current X- Position in the Node stored
        int mLoc_y; // Current Y- Position in the node stored
        int mHeuristic_Manhattan; // Is the stored nodes manhattan distance
        // These floats are so I can store the coordinates of the linked cubes it should be in.
        //Temporary storage for the string reading. 
        char mNodeValue;
        // Declares what kind node it is. 
        bool mIsObstacle = false;
        bool mIsWater = false;
        bool mIsWoods = false;
        bool mIsStartNode = false;
        bool mIsDestNode = false;
        //Cost storage heurestic 
        int mNodeCost; // The cost to travel between the nodes
        int mAccumulatedCost; // The accumulated cost of the node + its parent
        int mvalue_f; // Is its total score which will equals NodeCost+Heuristic
        node* m_parent;

This Is my functions section of the code being used, that we need to know about, any functions I haven't likely are TL-engine functions, and tested to work.

// sorts the node array by order of total_score
        bool CompareNodeScores(unique_ptr<node>& lhs, unique_ptr<node>& rhs)
            return lhs->mvalue_f < rhs->mvalue_f;
    bool check_greater_fcost(deque <unique_ptr< node >> &closeList, unique_ptr <node> &NewState_n, deque <unique_ptr<node>> &openList)
        if (openList.empty() == false)
            for (auto it = openList.begin(); it != openList.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->mLoc_X == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X && (*it)->mLoc_y == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_y && NewState_n->mvalue_f >= (*it)->mvalue_f)
                    return true;
                return false;
        if (closeList.empty() == false)
            for (auto it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->mLoc_X == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X && (*it)->mLoc_y == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_y && NewState_n->mvalue_f >= (*it)->mvalue_f)
                    return true;
                return false;

bool astar_checklists(deque <unique_ptr< node >> &closeList, unique_ptr <node> &RuleCurrent, deque <unique_ptr<node>> &openList, unique_ptr <node> &CurrentNode)
    // set p to the beginning of the loop
    for (auto it = openList.begin(); it != openList.end(); it++)
        if ((*it)->mLoc_X == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_X && (*it)->mLoc_y == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_y)
            (*it)->mAccumulatedCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mHeuristic_Manhattan = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan;
            (*it)->mNodeCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mvalue_f = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan + RuleCurrent->mNodeCost;
            (*it)->m_parent = CurrentNode->m_parent;
            return true;
    // set p to the beginning of the loop
    for (auto it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); it++)
        if ((*it)->mLoc_X == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_X && (*it)->mLoc_y == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_y){
            (*it)->mAccumulatedCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mHeuristic_Manhattan = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan;
            (*it)->mNodeCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mvalue_f = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan + RuleCurrent->mNodeCost;
            (*it)->m_parent = CurrentNode->m_parent;

            sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
            return true;
                return true;
    return false;
void AStarFindPathNew(I3DEngine* myEngine, IModel* ANodeCubeModels[10][10], node SNodeArray[10][10], int storemLoc_X, int storemLoc_y, int storedestmLoc_x, int storedestmLoc_y)
        int xstore = 0;
            int ystore = 0;
            int xplus = 0;
            int yplus = 0;
            bool goal_state_found = false;
            //bool current_is_on_openlist = false;
            //bool current_is_on_closelist = false; previous unused values
            //bool current_is_on_bothlists = false;
            ofstream outfile;
            unique_ptr <node> NewState_n(new node);
            unique_ptr <node> CurrentNode(new node);
            unique_ptr <node> initialState(new node);
            deque <unique_ptr < node > > openList;
            deque <unique_ptr < node > > closeList;
            // Declaring Intial state
            initialState->mLoc_X = gSTART_X;
            initialState->mLoc_y = gSTART_Y;
            initialState->m_parent = 0;
            initialState->mAccumulatedCost = 0;
            initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan(ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, initialState->mLoc_X, initialState->mLoc_y, storedestmLoc_x, storedestmLoc_y);
            initialState->mvalue_f = initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan + initialState->mNodeCost;
            DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);
            xstore = gSTART_X;
            ystore = gSTART_Y;
            while (!goal_state_found || !openList.empty())
                // Values Value_G = Manhattan Distance = mHeuristic_Manhattan
                // Value: Value_MC = Movement Cost Heuristic  = mNodeCost
                // Value: Value_F = H + MC = m_valuef
                CurrentNode = (move(openList.front()));
                cout << "popped open to New current Node = " << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;
                //cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << "," << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << "  Target: " << gDDEST_X << "," << gDDEST_Y << endl;
                if (CurrentNode->mLoc_X == storedestmLoc_x && CurrentNode->mLoc_y == storedestmLoc_y)
                    cout << "Found Path" << endl;
                    fRetracesteps(myEngine, ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, CurrentNode);
                DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        xplus = 0;
                        yplus = +1;
                    if (i == 1)
                        xplus = +1;
                        yplus = 0;
                    if (i == 2)
                        xplus = 0;
                        yplus = -1;
                    if (i == 3)
                        xplus = -1;
                        yplus = 0;
                    cout << "Generating Rule X:" << xstore + xplus << "Y:" << ystore + yplus << endl;
                    //d) i Generate N 
                    NewState_n.reset(new node);
                    NewState_n->mLoc_X = CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus;
                    NewState_n->mLoc_y = CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus;
                    NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost = CurrentNode->mAccumulatedCost + SNodeArray[NewState_n->mLoc_X][NewState_n->mLoc_y].mHeuristic_Manhattan;
                    NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan(ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, NewState_n->mLoc_X, NewState_n->mLoc_y, storedestmLoc_x, storedestmLoc_y);
                    NewState_n->mvalue_f = NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan + NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost;
                    NewState_n->m_parent = CurrentNode.get();
                    cout << NewState_n->m_parent;
                    cout << "Checking curent rule for within boundaries" << endl;
                    if (!checkcurrentruleinbounds(NewState_n))
                    NewState_n->mIsObstacle = SNodeArray[CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus][CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus].mIsObstacle;
                    cout << "Checking whether the rule is on the lists or has a greater cost" << endl;
                    if (astar_checklists(closeList, NewState_n, openList,CurrentNode) && !check_greater_fcost(closeList, NewState_n, openList))
                    if (NewState_n->mIsObstacle != true)
                            //cout << "Setting newstate_n" << NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X << NewState_n->mLoc_y << NewState_n->m_parent;
                            sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
                            cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y;
                    DisplayOpenlistWithScore(openList, outfile);
                cout << "Finished first set of rules" << endl;
                cout << "Close List:" << CurrentNode->mLoc_X <<":"<< CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;

I am having issues, trying to get my A Star algorithm working, the main problem is with my process of the algorithm, I am using something known as the TL engine which has some of its own datatypes and functions but for the most part, I am 90% certain my problem is with my C++ code and not with TL-engine function, specifically with my understanding / implementation of the algorithm.

My grid is a 10x10 grid, called SNodeCubeArray[10][10].

My program reads a txtfile in and sets a base value which determines which bools it will set.

  • Normal Nodes always have a cost = 1
  • Woods Cost = 2
  • Water Cost = 3
  • Obstacle / wall = 0 (but is impassable)

Some functions / variables explanation:

This is the struct I have declared it is the datatype I'll be using with Unique_ptr's deque.

// Code by ryan newell uclan student G20618255  -> for self reference
struct node

  // The Structs actual location in the array eg [3,3]
  int mLoc_X; // Current X- Position in the Node stored
  int mLoc_y; // Current Y- Position in the node stored

  int mHeuristic_Manhattan; // Is the stored nodes manhattan distance

  // These floats are so I can store the coordinates of the linked cubes it should be in.

  //Temporary storage for the string reading. 
  char mNodeValue;

  // Declares what kind node it is. 
  bool mIsObstacle = false;
  bool mIsWater = false;
  bool mIsWoods = false;
  bool mIsStartNode = false;
  bool mIsDestNode = false;

  //Cost storage heurestic 
  int mNodeCost; // The cost to travel between the nodes
  int mAccumulatedCost; // The accumulated cost of the node + its parent

  int mvalue_f; // Is its total score which will equals NodeCost+Heuristic

  node* m_parent;

This is my functions section of the code being used, that we need to know about, any functions I haven't likely are TL-engine functions, and tested to work.

// sorts the node array by order of total_score
bool CompareNodeScores(unique_ptr<node>& lhs, unique_ptr<node>& rhs)
  return lhs->mvalue_f < rhs->mvalue_f;
bool check_greater_fcost(
    deque <unique_ptr< node >> &closeList, 
    unique_ptr <node> &NewState_n, 
    deque <unique_ptr<node>> &openList)
  if (openList.empty() == false)
    for (auto it = openList.begin(); it != openList.end(); it++)
      if ((*it)->mLoc_X == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X && 
          (*it)->mLoc_y == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_y && 
          NewState_n->mvalue_f >= (*it)->mvalue_f)
        return true;

      return false;
  if (closeList.empty() == false)
    for (auto it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); it++)
      if ((*it)->mLoc_X == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X && 
          (*it)->mLoc_y == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_y && 
          NewState_n->mvalue_f >= (*it)->mvalue_f)
        return true;

      return false;
bool astar_checklists(
  deque <unique_ptr< node >> &closeList, 
  unique_ptr <node> &RuleCurrent, 
  deque <unique_ptr<node>> &openList, 
  unique_ptr <node> &CurrentNode)
  // set p to the beginning of the loop
  for (auto it = openList.begin(); it != openList.end(); it++)
    if ((*it)->mLoc_X == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_X && 
        (*it)->mLoc_y == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_y)
      (*it)->mAccumulatedCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
      (*it)->mHeuristic_Manhattan = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan;
      (*it)->mNodeCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
      (*it)->mvalue_f = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan + RuleCurrent->mNodeCost;
      (*it)->m_parent = CurrentNode->m_parent;
      return true;
  // set p to the beginning of the loop
  for (auto it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); it++)
    if ((*it)->mLoc_X == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_X && 
        (*it)->mLoc_y == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_y)
      (*it)->mAccumulatedCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
      (*it)->mHeuristic_Manhattan = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan;
      (*it)->mNodeCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
      (*it)->mvalue_f = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan + RuleCurrent->mNodeCost;
      (*it)->m_parent = CurrentNode->m_parent;

      sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
      return true;
      return true;
  return false;
void AStarFindPathNew(
  I3DEngine* myEngine, 
  IModel* ANodeCubeModels[10][10], 
  node SNodeArray[10][10], 
  int storemLoc_X, 
  int storemLoc_y, 
  int storedestmLoc_x, 
  int storedestmLoc_y)
  int xstore = 0;
  int ystore = 0;
  int xplus = 0;
  int yplus = 0;
  bool goal_state_found = false;
  //bool current_is_on_openlist = false;
  //bool current_is_on_closelist = false; previous unused values
  //bool current_is_on_bothlists = false;
  ofstream outfile;
  unique_ptr <node> NewState_n(new node);
  unique_ptr <node> CurrentNode(new node);
  unique_ptr <node> initialState(new node);
  deque <unique_ptr < node > > openList;
  deque <unique_ptr < node > > closeList;

  // Declaring Intial state
  initialState->mLoc_X = gSTART_X;
  initialState->mLoc_y = gSTART_Y;
  initialState->m_parent = 0;
  initialState->mAccumulatedCost = 0;
  initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan( ANodeCubeModels, 
  initialState->mvalue_f = initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan + initialState->mNodeCost;
  DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);
  xstore = gSTART_X;
  ystore = gSTART_Y;

  while (!goal_state_found || !openList.empty())
    // Values Value_G = Manhattan Distance = mHeuristic_Manhattan
    // Value: Value_MC = Movement Cost Heuristic  = mNodeCost
    // Value: Value_F = H + MC = m_valuef
    CurrentNode = (move(openList.front()));
    cout << "popped open to New current Node = " << 
      CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;
    //cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << "," << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << "  Target: " 
    // << gDDEST_X << "," << gDDEST_Y << endl;
    if (CurrentNode->mLoc_X == storedestmLoc_x && CurrentNode->mLoc_y == storedestmLoc_y)
      cout << "Found Path" << endl;
      fRetracesteps(myEngine, ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, CurrentNode);
    DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      if (i == 0)
        xplus = 0;
        yplus = +1;
      if (i == 1)
        xplus = +1;
        yplus = 0;
      if (i == 2)
        xplus = 0;
        yplus = -1;
      if (i == 3)
        xplus = -1;
        yplus = 0;
      cout << "Generating Rule X:" << xstore + xplus << "Y:" << ystore + yplus << endl;
      //d) i Generate N 
      NewState_n.reset(new node);
      NewState_n->mLoc_X = CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus;
      NewState_n->mLoc_y = CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus;
      NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost = CurrentNode->mAccumulatedCost + 
      NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan(ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, 
                 NewState_n->mLoc_X, NewState_n->mLoc_y, storedestmLoc_x, storedestmLoc_y);
      NewState_n->mvalue_f = NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan + NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost;
      NewState_n->m_parent = CurrentNode.get();
      cout << NewState_n->m_parent;

      cout << "Checking curent rule for within boundaries" << endl;
      if (!checkcurrentruleinbounds(NewState_n))

      NewState_n->mIsObstacle = 
        SNodeArray[CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus][CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus].mIsObstacle;
      cout << "Checking whether the rule is on the lists or has a greater cost" << endl;
      if (astar_checklists(closeList, NewState_n, openList, CurrentNode) && 
          !check_greater_fcost(closeList, NewState_n, openList))
      if (NewState_n->mIsObstacle != true)
        //cout << "Setting newstate_n" << NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X << 
          //NewState_n->mLoc_y << NewState_n->m_parent;
        sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
        cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y;
      DisplayOpenlistWithScore(openList, outfile);
    cout << "Finished first set of rules" << endl;
    cout << "Close List:" << CurrentNode->mLoc_X <<":"<< CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;

Source Link
  • 324
  • 2
  • 18

C++ A Star Algorithm [path takes wrong route] using <deque> & unique_ptr

I am having issues, trying to get my A Star algorithm' working, the main problem is with my process of the algorithm, I am using something known as the TL engine which has some of its own datatypes and functions but for the most part, I am 90% certain my problem is with my C++ code and not with TL-engine function, specifically with my understanding / implementation of the algorithm.

Figures and Information

my grid is a 10x10 grid, called SNodeCubeArray[10][10] my program reads a txtfile in and sets a base value which determines which bools it will set.

When I generate new rules on the Algorithm I go, I visit the neighbours NESW, and to travel to each node I have a cost assigned to different node types.

Here is an example:

  • Normal Nodes always have a cost of :1
  • Woods Cost = 2
  • Water Cost = 3
  • Obstacle / wall = 0 (but is impassable)

Figure 3 explains what happening in more detail.

When I run my AStar algorithm, it performs a very strange path of opennodes, often jumping around and also causing dereferencing iterator problems.

some functions / variables explanation

gDEST_X & gDEST_Y = dsetination node stored
gSTART_X & gSTART_Y = start node stored
ANodeCubeModels = Model Array

This is the struct I have declared it is the datatype I'll be using with Unique_ptr's deque.

    // Code by ryan newell uclan student G20618255  -> for self reference
        struct node
        // The Structs actual location in the array eg [3,3]
        int mLoc_X; // Current X- Position in the Node stored
        int mLoc_y; // Current Y- Position in the node stored
        int mHeuristic_Manhattan; // Is the stored nodes manhattan distance
        // These floats are so I can store the coordinates of the linked cubes it should be in.
        //Temporary storage for the string reading. 
        char mNodeValue;
        // Declares what kind node it is. 
        bool mIsObstacle = false;
        bool mIsWater = false;
        bool mIsWoods = false;
        bool mIsStartNode = false;
        bool mIsDestNode = false;
        //Cost storage heurestic 
        int mNodeCost; // The cost to travel between the nodes
        int mAccumulatedCost; // The accumulated cost of the node + its parent
        int mvalue_f; // Is its total score which will equals NodeCost+Heuristic
        node* m_parent;

This Is my functions section of the code being used, that we need to know about, any functions I haven't likely are TL-engine functions, and tested to work.

// sorts the node array by order of total_score
        bool CompareNodeScores(unique_ptr<node>& lhs, unique_ptr<node>& rhs)
            return lhs->mvalue_f < rhs->mvalue_f;
    bool check_greater_fcost(deque <unique_ptr< node >> &closeList, unique_ptr <node> &NewState_n, deque <unique_ptr<node>> &openList)
        if (openList.empty() == false)
            for (auto it = openList.begin(); it != openList.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->mLoc_X == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X && (*it)->mLoc_y == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_y && NewState_n->mvalue_f >= (*it)->mvalue_f)
                    return true;
                return false;
        if (closeList.empty() == false)
            for (auto it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->mLoc_X == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X && (*it)->mLoc_y == NewState_n.get()->mLoc_y && NewState_n->mvalue_f >= (*it)->mvalue_f)
                    return true;
                return false;

bool astar_checklists(deque <unique_ptr< node >> &closeList, unique_ptr <node> &RuleCurrent, deque <unique_ptr<node>> &openList, unique_ptr <node> &CurrentNode)
    // set p to the beginning of the loop
    for (auto it = openList.begin(); it != openList.end(); it++)
        if ((*it)->mLoc_X == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_X && (*it)->mLoc_y == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_y)
            (*it)->mAccumulatedCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mHeuristic_Manhattan = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan;
            (*it)->mNodeCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mvalue_f = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan + RuleCurrent->mNodeCost;
            (*it)->m_parent = CurrentNode->m_parent;
            return true;

    // set p to the beginning of the loop
    for (auto it = closeList.begin(); it != closeList.end(); it++)
        if ((*it)->mLoc_X == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_X && (*it)->mLoc_y == RuleCurrent.get()->mLoc_y){
            (*it)->mAccumulatedCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mHeuristic_Manhattan = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan;
            (*it)->mNodeCost = RuleCurrent->mAccumulatedCost;
            (*it)->mvalue_f = RuleCurrent->mHeuristic_Manhattan + RuleCurrent->mNodeCost;
            (*it)->m_parent = CurrentNode->m_parent;

            sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
            return true;

                return true;
    return false;

This section is where the main body of the algorithm itself lies, I am not really sure what I am doing wrong, but when I run the program, it does not take the correct route it should take.

void AStarFindPathNew(I3DEngine* myEngine, IModel* ANodeCubeModels[10][10], node SNodeArray[10][10], int storemLoc_X, int storemLoc_y, int storedestmLoc_x, int storedestmLoc_y)
        int xstore = 0;
            int ystore = 0;
            int xplus = 0;
            int yplus = 0;
            bool goal_state_found = false;
            //bool current_is_on_openlist = false;
            //bool current_is_on_closelist = false; previous unused values
            //bool current_is_on_bothlists = false;
            ofstream outfile;
            unique_ptr <node> NewState_n(new node);
            unique_ptr <node> CurrentNode(new node);
            unique_ptr <node> initialState(new node);
            deque <unique_ptr < node > > openList;
            deque <unique_ptr < node > > closeList;
            // Declaring Intial state
            initialState->mLoc_X = gSTART_X;
            initialState->mLoc_y = gSTART_Y;
            initialState->m_parent = 0;
            initialState->mAccumulatedCost = 0;
            initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan(ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, initialState->mLoc_X, initialState->mLoc_y, storedestmLoc_x, storedestmLoc_y);
            initialState->mvalue_f = initialState->mHeuristic_Manhattan + initialState->mNodeCost;
            DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);
            xstore = gSTART_X;
            ystore = gSTART_Y;
            while (!goal_state_found || !openList.empty())
                // Values Value_G = Manhattan Distance = mHeuristic_Manhattan
                // Value: Value_MC = Movement Cost Heuristic  = mNodeCost
                // Value: Value_F = H + MC = m_valuef
                CurrentNode = (move(openList.front()));
                cout << "popped open to New current Node = " << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;
                //cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << "," << CurrentNode->mLoc_y << "  Target: " << gDDEST_X << "," << gDDEST_Y << endl;
                if (CurrentNode->mLoc_X == storedestmLoc_x && CurrentNode->mLoc_y == storedestmLoc_y)
                    cout << "Found Path" << endl;
                    fRetracesteps(myEngine, ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, CurrentNode);
                DisplayOpenlist(openList, outfile);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        xplus = 0;
                        yplus = +1;
                    if (i == 1)
                        xplus = +1;
                        yplus = 0;
                    if (i == 2)
                        xplus = 0;
                        yplus = -1;
                    if (i == 3)
                        xplus = -1;
                        yplus = 0;
                    cout << "Generating Rule X:" << xstore + xplus << "Y:" << ystore + yplus << endl;
                    //d) i Generate N 
                    NewState_n.reset(new node);
                    NewState_n->mLoc_X = CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus;
                    NewState_n->mLoc_y = CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus;
                    NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost = CurrentNode->mAccumulatedCost + SNodeArray[NewState_n->mLoc_X][NewState_n->mLoc_y].mHeuristic_Manhattan;
                    NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan = CalculateManhattan(ANodeCubeModels, SNodeArray, NewState_n->mLoc_X, NewState_n->mLoc_y, storedestmLoc_x, storedestmLoc_y);
                    NewState_n->mvalue_f = NewState_n->mHeuristic_Manhattan + NewState_n->mAccumulatedCost;
                    NewState_n->m_parent = CurrentNode.get();
                    cout << NewState_n->m_parent;
                    cout << "Checking curent rule for within boundaries" << endl;
                    if (!checkcurrentruleinbounds(NewState_n))
                    NewState_n->mIsObstacle = SNodeArray[CurrentNode->mLoc_X + xplus][CurrentNode->mLoc_y + yplus].mIsObstacle;
                    cout << "Checking whether the rule is on the lists or has a greater cost" << endl;
                    if (astar_checklists(closeList, NewState_n, openList,CurrentNode) && !check_greater_fcost(closeList, NewState_n, openList))
                    if (NewState_n->mIsObstacle != true)
                            //cout << "Setting newstate_n" << NewState_n.get()->mLoc_X << NewState_n->mLoc_y << NewState_n->m_parent;
                            sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), CompareNodeScores);
                            cout << CurrentNode->mLoc_X << ":" << CurrentNode->mLoc_y;
                    DisplayOpenlistWithScore(openList, outfile);
                cout << "Finished first set of rules" << endl;
                cout << "Close List:" << CurrentNode->mLoc_X <<":"<< CurrentNode->mLoc_y << endl;