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Steven Stadnicki's user avatar
Steven Stadnicki's user avatar
Steven Stadnicki
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Seattle, WA
19 votes

24-Bit Colordepth not enough?

17 votes

Checkers AI Algorithm

17 votes

Why don't more games use vector art?

14 votes

Vertical vs horizontal hex grids, pros and cons

12 votes

Is it better to hard code data or find an algorithm?

12 votes

How can I create beautiful, random, abstract images?

12 votes

What is the simplest method to generate smooth terrain for a 2d game?

11 votes

What are normal, tangent and binormal vectors and how are they used?

10 votes

Math topics for 3D graphics programming

9 votes

Rotate 3D cube so nearest side is facing user

9 votes

Improving my Roguelike Dungeon generator?

8 votes

Do I need a Point and a Vector object? Or just using a Vector object to represent a Point is ok?

8 votes

What do I need to do legally to protect my game with copyright?

8 votes

How do I find the intersection of a ray and a cylinder?

8 votes

Random Vector within a cone

8 votes

Calculation of Inertia Tensors

8 votes

How to move an object along a circumference of another object?

7 votes

How to utilize miniMax algorithm in Checkers game

7 votes

Which would a game development company prefer; UDK experience or C++ game projects?

6 votes

simplest way of making a sphere roll in a realistic way

5 votes

Arbitrary Rotation about a Sphere

4 votes

How can I calculate "All squares within R" in a natural looking manner?

3 votes

Generating terrain using Marching Cubes

3 votes

Drawing symmetric equilateral triangles

3 votes

Pygame: circular motion with Bresenham's algorithm

3 votes

Gravity independent of game updates per second

3 votes

Make a fake random distribution?

3 votes

Quaternion dfference + time --> angular velocity (gyroscope in physics library)

3 votes

What's the difference between a "Release" Xbox 360 build and a "Debug" one?

3 votes

how to rotate enemy to face player?