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dsilva.vinicius's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
11 votes

How to do collision detection for fluids in 3D?

9 votes

Triangle-triangle continuous collision detection

5 votes

Optimal number of work groups for compute shaders

4 votes

Anisotropic filtering on gbuffer textures for shading pass?

3 votes

How many rendering passes is "normal"?

3 votes

Separate shader programs or branch in shader?

3 votes

How to opitimize Shadows in Unity 3D

3 votes

How check if an arbitrary given mesh is a single closed mesh?

2 votes

Translate velocity to mouse curos position

2 votes

Developing GLSL Shaders?

2 votes

General visual effects to meshes/entities

2 votes

2D fighting bounding boxes

2 votes

Rope Colliding with a Rectangle

2 votes

Send info about gun shots via UDP

2 votes

How do I efficiently use 16 bit texture coordinates?

2 votes

How can I render something like the swirling clouds of Jupiter?

2 votes

How do I achieve this glowing edge shader?

1 vote

Store static environment in chunks

1 vote

Sweep collision between two moving spheres?

1 vote

How to rotate an object around world aligned axes?

1 vote

breakout game, computing optimal ricochet angle of a ball to get to a certain point

1 vote

How can I render 3D dots at object vertex positions?

1 vote

Client-side prediction and interpolation

1 vote

theoretical solution for "drawing" with mask

1 vote

Basic Car Movement, Converting 2D Vectors to 3D problems

1 vote

How to correctly aggregate networked data into UDP packets while avoiding fragmentation

1 vote

Divide rectangular image into fixed number of random sized rectangles + 1 fixed size rectangle

1 vote

Goalkeeper Jumping Algorithm?

1 vote

Add a "fake" Loading Screen

1 vote

Set alpha cutoff value Unity3d