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How Does Y Sort Allow Partial Overlap with Objects in Godot?

It's not Y Sort Order, it's Y Sort Origin. Normally the Y Sort Origin is in the center of the sprite. This is indicated by the little plus in the middle of the sprite. When you change the origin value ...
Paul's user avatar
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Should tiles from a tileset atlas be separated into individual images when the program loads?

No. seperate the tileset image into a bunch of different Image objects It wouldn't be faster to create a slew of separate Images: each of these would be a copy ...
Engineer's user avatar
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How do I place the local center of my tilemap at 0,0?

My current answer makes the following assumptions about your TileSet: The Tile Shape is "Isometric". The Tile Layout is "Diamond Right" or "Diamond Down". The Tile ...
liggiorgio's user avatar
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Is it possible to set properties on a scene in a TileMap/TileSet?

According to the Github issue status, it is not currently possible. The issue might be solved in the future though, most likely by adding a scene painter tool, which would allow painting scenes just ...
Mortasen's user avatar
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How do I interpolate light intensity for tilemap's lightmap?

I managed to get it working as I wanted. Thanks to DMGregory's advices. The key point was to render the lightmap to a texture, which should be significantly smaller than the visible scene's size. The ...
Steyrix's user avatar
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Huge gaps between my tile textures in Godot

Open Tileset -> Setup page. Uncheck the "Use Texture Padding" option. Tada!
zapparello's user avatar
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A-star algorithm after 2D tilemap 90-degree rotation

You need to decouple/disconnect different parts of your application. Ideally, you want to have some object representing the board in memory which only deals with gameplay-specific concerns (placing ...
Basic's user avatar
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Simulated light for a 2D tile-map with just SDL2?

I think what you want is to create a black texture with the same size as your screen, set it as the render target, render blurry white circles to it at the locations of the light sources, with the ...
HolyBlackCat's user avatar
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Optimal Approach for Transmitting and Rendering Large Pixel Art Game Maps in Unity

What I would suggest in this case is the following: Rendering details like pixel colour, are usually not crucial to game logic. Since you will need to render the 1000x1000 map as a texture, it is ...
Engineer's user avatar
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How can I make colliders-only visible in Godot?

Seems I actually can find invisible meshes relatively easily by switching display mode to "Display Overdraw", which is great. There's still a little guesswork as to where to look, but that's ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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How to process tiles of different sizes?

It appears like the tiles you have here are partially transparent tiles that are supposed to be placed on a separate layer with full tiles on the layer below them. That way they can be used to create ...
Philipp's user avatar
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How to set GameObject on tilemap through script

When you are adding the instance of Tile to the tilemap via SetTile, the gameObject property ...
ThisIsNoZaku's user avatar
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If I have three different kinds of blob tiles, how many tiles do I need?

You need 698 tiles for the full blob pattern with three terrains. It's less than \$3^9\$ as not all combinations make sense. You can see the full list with this tool, selecting blob, and put terrains ...
BorisTheBrave's user avatar

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