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3 votes

Is it possible to store ALL game data on the sever side

It's not an approach worth to use. For a normal player it may not be a big deal but some people may try looking into the game files to find various information. Even if you download the content at ...
Ferreira da Selva's user avatar
3 votes

What is the optimal way to store customisation options?

With the notable exception of massive-multiplayer games (persistent world shared by thousands of players), relational databases are very rarely used in game development. In a single-player game, there ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Disc based storage medium

Many games get bought on the internet. Stuff like the Call of Duty Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare bundle simply won't fit on a CD (They take up together around 200Gb), or the new version of GTA ...
Bálint's user avatar
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2 votes

How to securely store xml/json information about actors in a game?

You could use JSON and zip it with a password (encrypt), then use a runtime zip library like DotNetZip to extract it for inspection by the game only, no-one else. Or you could access it on a secured ...
Engineer's user avatar
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2 votes

Disc based storage medium

I'm sure there are any number of approaches, these are some of them: Compression: reduce the space need on the disc at the cost of retrieval+decompression later which costs cpu usage and time ...
Jeremy Harton's user avatar
1 vote

Error using Asset Manager for loading files from Android temp directory (libgdx)

I solved it. The problem was the FileHandleResolver asociated with the Asset Manager. The default is internal. What I did is create two Asset Managers inside my MyAssetManager class. One for absolute ...
Pablo Ajo's user avatar
1 vote

Client Side Game Local Storage

Local Storage is very similar to how cookies work. It's basically saving some data locally. These data are only accessible to the same browser on the same machine only. It may be possible for some ...
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
1 vote

How to store information about a simulated sport match in a browser game?

Most pseudorandom number generators can be initialized with a seed value. When you initialize it with the same seed, you get the same sequence of random numbers. That means even an algorithm which ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Redux-like storage in GD

Yes, I'm currently making a game using React + Redux (check it out here). It would be better for a variety of reasons to using something like Unity in the long term, but for now, this is just my ...
AndrewSteinheiser's user avatar
1 vote

How can I boost cache performance when storing objects in a scene with managed languages?

Ordering the data is going to depend on existing data access patterns for your application. Profile first, and see what areas of execution are taking the longest as a result of cache misses. Once you'...
Engineer's user avatar
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1 vote

Storing large amounts of voxels in file

I store the voxel values(-1 to 1 range) in a volume texture 512 x 512 x 48 and just convert the 16bit floats to a byte like this value*255 and then write that out to disk and then when I come to ...
Justin William Stanley Bryant's user avatar
1 vote

Is std::deque the best option for storing my graphics objects?

I am assuming you are using something like OpenGL for your graphics (Correct me if I am wrong about this), so a typical, minimal data structure for rendering a game object would be: ...
Ian Young's user avatar
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