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3 votes

How do you deal with transparent fonts that you want to be white?

Here's another technique you can use. Select your font asset in the Inspector and set the Font Size to the size you want, and Character to the full set of characters you want to use. For this font, &...
DMGregory's user avatar
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3 votes

How to maintain char widths of non-monospace fonts?

You need to input intended character widths, but not necessarily in a separate text file: the image itself can contain graphical markers at the boundaries of character sprites. For example, you can ...
Lorenzo Gatti's user avatar
2 votes

Creating and editing a .fnt file based on a PNG source

The simplest way is probably just to redraw it maually, using a simple .fon editor like Fony. It will probably take less than a hour.
HolyBlackCat's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you deal with transparent fonts that you want to be white?

I am afraid this won't be possible with that font. TrueType-Fonts only have solid areas and transparent areas. They don't have a way to define which parts of each letter are "inside" and ...
Philipp's user avatar
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1 vote

Xna Spritefont from installed fonts

When a font is located in the content folder, and you keep the content folder along with your game, then it shouldn't be much of a problem. Spritefonts are treated similair like images, They both ...
Steven's user avatar
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1 vote

DirectX 11 Sprite Alpha (Invalid? + Bad Quality)

This is a rather odd setup for blend state: ...
Chuck Walbourn's user avatar
1 vote

Creating and editing a .fnt file based on a PNG source

you can use Hiero for generating the .FNT file using your .ttf font file. Go through the link and download it.
arv's user avatar
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1 vote

Error loading "SpriteFont1". File not found

Reflecting the ContentManager.Load(assetName) method, it gives this note: assetName: Asset name, relative to the loader root directory, and not including the .xnb extension. Even though ...
Steve H's user avatar
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