3 votes

How to read a sparse Octree sequentially, like a 3D array?

To skip all those unwanted nodes, I think what you're looking for is a sparse but contiguously-allocated octree, which can be easily indexed by (x, y, z). You also ...
Engineer's user avatar
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Need help with simple octree implementation

When you do newCentre = self.centre then that doesn't create a new array, but it uses the same object instead. If you modify ...
Bálint's user avatar
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Octree Terrain Destruction and LODs

The primary goal of LOD is to reduce the cost of drawing by not drawing unnecessarily fine detail. It is not usually about discarding information from RAM. In fact, in a conventional polygonal-model ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
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General Octree question: What do you actually store?

Octrees store data, indexed by a 3 dimensional position. That data could be a reference to an object, reference, bool, or whatever you need. Inserting items into an Octree is typically done from top ...
House's user avatar
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Using octrees as LOD system

As Kromster alludes, this apparent problem occurs because of the small scale of your example. Usually when we reach for sparse octrees, we have more than two levels of subdivision. Here's your same 2D ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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How can I handle voxels that require extra data in my octree?

I would suggest going with a variant an absolute index in a separate array. Rather than insert/delete with shifting (which would be painful to implement and slow), or leaving gaps, there is a third ...
MadMan's user avatar
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How to read a sparse Octree sequentially, like a 3D array?

One strategy you can use is to make your leaf nodes "chunks" of cells. For example, Minecraft uses 16x16x16 cell chunks if I recall correctly. This gives you a coarser granularity for ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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How to construct a octree density from SDF for MC

You use the octree to skip swaths of work. Anytime you find an octree node that's fully outside or fully inside the volume, you can skip iterating any cells inside it because you know the surface won'...
DMGregory's user avatar
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Setting up an "Oct-Tree"

If you want div to represent the number of cubes then you need to ensure that div is a cube (as in, is an integer to the 3rd ...
user1118321's user avatar
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Drawbacks to an Octree and Quadtree hybrid?

A k-d tree like Philipp suggested would likely be a good solution, but certainly more complicated to implement. Your proposed solution should work fine, but you may need to be clever with how you ...
Falcon's user avatar
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Simplyfing/dissolving octree to simple boxes by adjacent octants with similar traits

If what you mean is that you need a nav-volume with fewer nodes because the oct-tree ends up leaving you with too many nodes, the main issue behind you problem is, of course, symmetry. Or better said,...
MAnd's user avatar
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Building an Octree for terrain generation

I'm not sure I'm answering the exact question, so I'm going answer in segments, and feel free to reply in comments if there's a misunderstanding about the particulars of a specific question. I have ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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