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3 votes

Trunk Based Development: Prevent unreleased assets and features from being included in the build

It appears that what you need are more branches. At least one for development and one for each released version. The release branch for each version would diverge from the main branch whenever you ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Why does Unity reload when I switch between branches in SourceTree?

When you switch branches, you are switching the contents of your Unity project. The reason you can't access the prefab from the second branch, is because it doesn't exist on that branch. When you ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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How to setup a public github unity repo with paid assets?

i already answered this question here: How can I open source my Unity project when I use third party assets? you cant publish your project except you exclude those paid assets out of your project.
virtouso's user avatar
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Is it ok to commit to git while my Unity project is still open?

git does not work with your memory ram. git works with what is in hard-disk. it means git commits everything you saved. so it means you can commit when unity is open. just save every thing before you ...
virtouso's user avatar
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Which files of addressable assets should be committed to Git?

It broke when I removed any of these: /AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups /AddressableAssetsData/DataBuilders Nothing broke (no obvious errors) when I removed <...
Jasper Citi's user avatar
2 votes

How to remove hardcoded path in UserSettings?

Yes it should be ignored because, as you noticed, it's specific to each Unity user. You can find details behind the reasoning here:
David's user avatar
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Using github pages as development blog

Yes, you can host a dev blog - this is covered directly in the GitHub Pages documentation: With GitHub Pages, you can host project blogs, documentation, resumes, portfolios, or any other static ...
Pikalek's user avatar
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How do you exclude (gitignore) assets from Unity's package manager without messing up the references in your project?

For packages (not assets), you should include your project's Library folder in the .gitignore. Unity has a manifest.json file in the packages folder (that should be in your repo) that will tell it ...
Adam B's user avatar
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Can I run a script and generate warning when Unity project is saved?

Yes, it can be done: Example of ...
Almo's user avatar
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In Unity unable to find second github branch

Open your project root folder in a command line and try this : git branch -r To view all available branches on remote. ...
Antoine Thiry's user avatar
1 vote

Unity assets turned binary from text This post has the answer. Apparently, I have some bugs with the unity editor that I've encountered, which show ...
Giora Guttsait's user avatar
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How to get an Unreal Engine 4 Level to sync using Git Source Control?

I has a similar issue. To duplicate the problem: Create a clean git clone of my Unreal (v4.23) project onto a Windows 2010 machine. Browse to the ...
Lou's user avatar
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How to get an Unreal Engine 4 Level to sync using Git Source Control?

Remember to stage the changes of the map inside your commit Even if Sourcetree is marking your files as modified (checked-in) you still have to add your file inside your commit (aka stage the ...
pasotee's user avatar
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Unity generates changes in GitHub on saving scene

Short answer: Those changes seem to be of .meta file contents, and/or scene stuff [Update: As pointed out in the comments, they seem to be prefab data. But the ...
CosmicGiant's user avatar
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Prefabs were modified even it doesn't updated when commit

We used to get this a lot with materials. We tracked it down to one of our dynamic instantiation scripts, which took a shared base material, set the colour/texture/parameters to instance-specific ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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Which Unreal Engine 4 project files can I ignore in source control?

This is what I have in my .gitignore ...
Shital Shah's user avatar

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