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53 votes

How can I make 3D games in 4K that are a few megabytes?

There are ways to make nice 3d graphics with low memory footprint, however that requires you to have the right experience and knowledge. There are games like .kkrieger which is a 3d first person ...
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
5 votes

How to make game like Gals Panic

Gals Panic, is a Qix type game. You may search for Qix to get more information on how things work. The general concept here is, having two images. One is the picture that you want to be revealed. The ...
Felsir's user avatar
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3 votes

Feasible to do all game logic on PHP server?

It depends on your skill at programming, but it should be feasible. Remember, Facebook was built in PHP and it serves a pretty big crowd. A better question might be if PHP is the best choice for what ...
Erik's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I improve the seemingly capped framerate of my flash game?

Flash Player has frame rate capped to 60, ignoring Stage.frameRate = 1000 property since FP10. In Flash Player 9.0c, both frame ...
ivan866's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I improve the seemingly capped framerate of my flash game?

According to AS3 documentation: frameRate: Gets and sets the frame rate of the stage. The frame rate is defined as frames per second. By default the rate is set to the frame rate of the first SWF ...
Lazy Developer's user avatar
2 votes

Should all stats only exist on MySQL database for my Flash browser RPG?

"All the logic will be handled in Flash" there's your problem. It doesn't matter where you store the stats if I can hack my client to ignore them and just always report back "Yeah, I toooottally won ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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2 votes

I have an editable SWF with Refferal protection, how would I remove that

As described in the comments above, even given that your intentions are perfectly noble, this is a publicly visible site. If we told you how to defeat a game developer's protections on their game here,...
DMGregory's user avatar
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1 vote

Better way than url-encoded query stings to pass data from PHP to Flash?

What you have here is basically a RESTful webservice API. The client communicates with the backend using HTTP requests with the request parameters in the query string. The backend then answers the ...
Philipp's user avatar
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1 vote

How does Actionscript choose which order to run objects' code in?

If your are working on Flash or Adobe Animate area, change the depth of your MovieClips to change the order of running them by select and press ctrl+shift+(UP or DOWN).
MESepehr's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote

Character jumping but not returning to ground platform game AS3

You forgot to add Newton's listens about gravity here :D. change the function gameLoop with mine and add tree variable out of it. ...
MESepehr's user avatar
  • 151
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Camera and enemy behaviour in AS3 platformer

It has been a while since I used AS3, but... I believe you are expanding the hitbox of the enemy by adding bullets as children. Even when the bullets are removed from the enemy, the hitbox stays ...
Kyy13's user avatar
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How to make proper animations for a html5 game?

If you really want the best for your graphic team, then use 3d models. With an orthographic projection and good camera placement (it needs to be rotated 45 degrees around the y axis and 60 on the x ...
Bálint's user avatar
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1 vote

AS3 move object to a point

So here is what I would do: In the Monster class constructor, you need to pass the player instance and store it, this way each monster will be able to know its target and chase it. Add an event ...
Lazy Developer's user avatar
1 vote

Which better? Write all scripts on timeline or write it partially on `.as` file?

I'd personally go with individual AS files. Timeline coding is very AS2 and is more for animators as someone else stated. If your game gets complicated, breaking classes out into AS files will ...
Marcus Frasier's user avatar

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