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unsmooth blending with deferred shading and light volumes

You actually have noticeable banding in both images. This can occur due to quantization. Inside your shader, your local variables can be stored at floating point precision, able to represent ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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unsmooth blending with deferred shading and light volumes

I solved the problem by using an extra fbo for the point lights which's color texture then is passed to the deferred shader and added to the directional lights shading. This actually solved the ...
Sprinklerkopf's user avatar
1 vote

Tiled deferred shading without compute shader

You can sort of fake it with a pixel shader, but it requires an extra pass. I don't claim this is a great approach, BUT it will work: Create two low-res render targets - say, 1/8th of your ...
3Dave's user avatar
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