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4 votes

Project transfer, will re-importing all my models damage my project at all?

You need to transfer the asset metadata as well as the asset files themselves. The metadata files might be invisible depending on your settings. On the old computer, go to ...
vrostu's user avatar
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4 votes

Unity - Where should downloaded level data be stored?

I don't think placing game related files in My Documents/My Games/ annoys users, it's pretty much standard to put it there so why don't you do it? Each user can ...
Madmenyo's user avatar
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4 votes

Should game data be encoded in configuration files, given that it will almost always contain logic?

A game or an engine If you were making a game, then you write the code for each case in your game. Then the configuration only needs to specify which of the possibilities it uses. Which seems to be ...
Theraot's user avatar
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3 votes

Confused about how specific bools or flags are actually accessed and used by other scripts

For saving the state of multiple objects like this, there's a lot of different techniques you can use depending on just how extensible you'd like this to be. I'd of course recommend storing all of ...
domportera's user avatar
3 votes

Should you avoid memory allocation and deallocation while the game is running?

I interpret this as meaning that you should do all the necessary heap allocation while the game is booting up, and arrange it in object pools that you then manage when the game is running. Is this ...
Philipp's user avatar
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How is data regarding items in RPGs and other loot-based games stored and implemented?

We can't answer questions like "how do they do it" because, well, we don't know, and they won't tell us. We can help you figure out a few things, though. In software development in general, ...
Vaillancourt's user avatar
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3 votes

Disc based storage medium

Many games get bought on the internet. Stuff like the Call of Duty Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare bundle simply won't fit on a CD (They take up together around 200Gb), or the new version of GTA ...
Bálint's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to store ALL game data on the sever side

It's not an approach worth to use. For a normal player it may not be a big deal but some people may try looking into the game files to find various information. Even if you download the content at ...
Ferreira da Selva's user avatar
2 votes

Reading a Binary File in Unity

Your file is not a binary file. It contains ASCII text, starting "1e"... The value of which is 65 31 in Hex (Little endian encoded), Or 25905 in Decimal. 1e44(ascii)= 34 34 65 31 (hex) = 875849009 (...
JeffUK's user avatar
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2 votes

simple data source on hard disk for android game

I'm not sure how your library is organised, but it seems it's just a data library with some interface to access such data. You can have a separate file with all the data you need (the words) which ...
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
2 votes

How to make the player unable to change some of the game elements?

You can use cryptography. But doing that in a way that actually prevents people from creating spells requires that you do not ship the private key to users, which implies either an internet server, or ...
Ryan1729's user avatar
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How to store localized text data in Unity?

Unity has built-in support for storing localization data. Import the localization package from Unity's package manager, and check out the Quick Start Guide. It supports localization for ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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GM files in online mobile games: what type of GM file should I keep a local copy and how does it synchronize with server?

(1) Are text info such as names and descriptions generally considered data that need to be pulled from server every request or something that can be accessed from the local file? "General ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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2 votes

Disc based storage medium

I'm sure there are any number of approaches, these are some of them: Compression: reduce the space need on the disc at the cost of retrieval+decompression later which costs cpu usage and time ...
Jeremy Harton's user avatar
1 vote

What dynamic range of numbers do games typically use?

I can give the game I'm working on as an example. It certainly does not fit "routinely used" being something of an outlier, but still might be illustrative as an example that the storage of ...
Roy Ward's user avatar
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What dynamic range of numbers do games typically use?

As games cover such a wide range of things, there is really no typical. However, for 3D worlds, greater scale is becoming more popular. Open worlds, for example, can cover any size you care to imagine....
Chris Thorne's user avatar
1 vote

'Partial data load' terminology

It seems that the accepted term is streaming. But this term is too broad, you need to add additional keywords to search, such as ...
Mangata's user avatar
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GM files in online mobile games: what type of GM file should I keep a local copy and how does it synchronize with server?

the GM files include text data such as "item name" and "item description", as well as things like monster parameters like attack point and defense point Those are potentially ...
Theraot's user avatar
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1 vote

GM files in online mobile games: what type of GM file should I keep a local copy and how does it synchronize with server?

When you have data which changes very rarely, like the data for common inventory items in the game, then it's usually not a bad idea to just put them in a file in your favorite markup format (XML, ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Unity - Handling external data files

It's generally better to use ScriptableObject assets rather than text files. For example, ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to version control game balance data stored in spreadsheets

You can store in (any) VCS text-only version of your spreadsheets (CSV, f.e.), but work only with original (binary XLSX) presentation of data (edit/update|export|commit) You can use non-default tools, ...
Lazy Badger's user avatar
1 vote

Good data structure for storing graph-like map

Your first problem can be solved by implementing a custom list object or (as you only need three items) a custom tuple object instead of the default List<>. This way when you insert tiles you can ...
andrew zuo's user avatar
1 vote

reading from texture2d resource in directx11

i have found the solution. it looks even so pretty. testV.push_back(outputArr[idx]) should have been edited like ...
KIM CHANGJUN's user avatar
1 vote

How to store relations between NPCs?

Mostly it comes down to how you expect people to interact with your data. Database approach The database approach is best suited to situations with an emphasis on querying. Will the DM often want to ...
Pikalek's user avatar
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How to store relations between NPCs?

I'd say this is very similar to some old (non-game related) projects in which I worked. What worked there, and I'd say is a sensible solution, is to code the logic in your programming language of ...
TGonzo's user avatar
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How to store relations between NPCs?

First of all im not very versed in Database structures. I know how they work, what they are there for, and since Uni never had to touch them again. As a DnD player myself, i see some problems with ...
PSquall's user avatar
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Transfer Codes between OS

Why is due to platform provide rules. Transfering certain content, is not allowed by Apple in app purchase guidelines: 3.1 Payments 3.1.1 In-App Purchase: If you want to unlock features or ...
Pikalek's user avatar
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Transfer Codes between OS

It is generally not allowed to transfer currency between payment systems. If the price of Gold is lower on Android by a bit and you can transfer to iOS, Apple loses their 30% cut of any sales made on ...
Almo's user avatar
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How can I parse different types of objects from JSON?

Directly converting these objects using JSONUtil won't work in this case. What you could do instead is parse it into an intermediate data-structure first. Create a ...
Philipp's user avatar
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