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Relating to the motion of objects through space and time. Including concepts such as acceleration (thrust and gravity), mass, collision response, friction and more.

1 vote

Calculating an orbit and approach velocties

Thus, it's fairly straightforward to "fake" physics without doing a complicated simulation. You only need to alter acceleration of the drone to "fake" the gravity of the node. …
Attackfarm's user avatar
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2 votes

SpriteKit - How to jump to specific position?

SpriteKit uses SKAction objects to accomplish most of its functionality. What you're seeking is SKAction's followPath:duration: action. The following accomplishes this: UIBezierPath *path = [UI …
Attackfarm's user avatar
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0 votes

calculating the trajectory of an object in SpriteKit when an impulse is applied to it

A much more straightforward solution is simply to make a hidden or transparent copy of the projectile, remove collision masks, and launch it. You can either leave a trail of small sprite nodes at var …
Attackfarm's user avatar
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0 votes

Sprite Kit - containsPoint for SKPhysicsBody?

The simplest means of determining if there is contact after your touches finish is to alter the category of the "ball" to a category that registers contacts with the "bucket". That is to say, your …
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1 vote

Spritekit - gradually apply force vector in different direction (space ship turning)

First, the behavior you're describing is that of an aerodynamic vehicle with a single vector of force. A spaceship, flying in space, would operate in an entirely different manner. If this is sti …
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0 votes

Sprite Kit - keeping character level with the terrain 2d endless runner

To keep a character level with a moving "ground" without its x position being affected by the physics engine, it would seem the best solution might be to place an SKConstraint on the character. … Specifically: character.constraints = [SKConstraint.positionX(SKRange(constantValue: 0.0))] If you have any weird bugs from SpriteKit's physics engine, you might try placing a node with a physicsBody …
Attackfarm's user avatar
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1 vote

Swinging a sword in Xcode with Sprite Kit

categoryBitMask is the category of the physics body (e.g. swordCategory) contactBitMask is the product of the ORed categories of the types of nodes you want to test for contact (e.g. enemyCategory | breakableCategory …
Attackfarm's user avatar
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6 votes

How to detect collision on specific part of the sprite node

Remember that SpriteKit's physics system is based on "SKPhysicsBody"s, which are added to "SKSpriteNode"s. Those physics bodies, however, needn't be attached to visible nodes. …
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