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A way of drawing digital images using a low-resolution and (often) a limited color palette. This art form is inspired by older computer graphics, where resources (e.g. amount of pixels and colors) were more limited.

1 vote

How do you make top down tileable mountain ranges like fire emblem?

I don't know how Fire Emblem did it, but Battle for Wesnoth uses what they call "multi hex" to build mountain ranges. From (note that Wesnoth uses hexagonal t …
congusbongus's user avatar
  • 14.8k
3 votes

How do you make top down tileable mountain ranges like fire emblem?

I've found this tutorial (scroll down to Exhibit C: Mountains). It appears that Fire Emblem does use regular tiles for mountains, but there are many different types of mountain tiles and rules you mus …
congusbongus's user avatar
  • 14.8k