I'm making space invaders (in OpenGL/SDL) and I'm currently having issues with getting the collisions (box collisions) between the bullets and the enemies to be properly detected. In my ```update()``` function, I have a nested for loop which iterates through all of entities  (for each bullet) detecting if each bullet has collided with it. To do this, I have a function ```checkCollision()``` in which I'm calculating the dimensions of each enemy and bullet that gets passed in and then checking if the "boxes" for each entity are intersecting:

**Function for checking collisions**

    bool checkCollision(Enemy* anEnemy, Bullet* aBullet) {
    	float enemyTop = anEnemy->y + (anEnemy->height / 2.0f);
    	float enemyBottom = anEnemy->y - (anEnemy->height / 2.0f);
    	float enemyRight = anEnemy->x + (anEnemy->width / 2.0f);
    	float enemyLeft = anEnemy->x - (anEnemy->width / 2.0f);
    	float bulletTop = aBullet->y + (aBullet->height / 2.0f);
    	float bulletBottom = aBullet->y - (aBullet->height / 2.0f);
    	float bulletLeft = aBullet->x - (aBullet->width / 2.0f);
    	float bulletRight = aBullet->x + (aBullet->width / 2.0f);
    	//This is supposed to check that if the objects are not intersecting, return false
    	if (
    		(bulletBottom > enemyTop) ||
    		(bulletTop < enemyBottom) ||
    		(bulletLeft > enemyRight) ||
    		(bulletRight < enemyLeft)
    		) {
    		return false;
    	else {
    		return true;

**Code to check collisions for each enemy in update function**

    //Check if each of the bullets has hit any of the enemies
    	for (int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++) {
    		for (int j = 0; j < entities.size(); j++) {
    			if (entities[j] != nullptr && bullets[i] != nullptr) {
    				if (checkCollision(entities[j], bullets[i])) {
    					std::cout << "bullets y position: " << bullets[i]->y << std::endl;
    					std::cout << " hit enemy y position: " << entities[j]->y << std::endl;
    					std::cout << "bullets x position: " << bullets[i]->x << std::endl;
    					std::cout << " hit enemy x position: " << entities[j]->x << std::endl;
    					delete entities[j];
    					entities[j] = nullptr;
    					delete bullets[i];
    					bullets[i] = nullptr;

For some reason, when the bullet it shot from the spaceship (player), the collisions are detected before the bullet even reaches the enemy on the screen and I get the following console output:

    bullet y position: 0.610021
    enemy y position: 1.85
    bullet x position: 0
    enemy x position: -1.0335

**How should I be structuring the collision detection differently so that the objects are actually intersecting before the collision is detected?**