If I select ARMv7 instead of FAT (ARMv7+x86) in the Android Build Settings of Unity5-Free, the APK binary drops to half size.

FAT => ~20MB
ARM => ~10MB

(Tested with an empty scene, no assets, nothing, just the core libraries).

I've seen the "official stats" of the CPU usage are here:


So not a lot of business to loose as for the dato of publishing this question. But x86 seems to be an increasing trend.


1. Is there any way to publish a binary to the ARM users and another version to the x86 users but with the same product-id so if they change the mobile phone, the software gets properly downloaded (but still each one gets a small footprint)?
1. Does this CPU correlate with WinPhone? Or is an othogonal measure? In other words: Are all Androids ARM? Or there are ARM and x86 Androids?
