I've seen many a time in source code, things like this [well, this is more of a pseudo C++ idea of mine]  

    typedef shared_ptr<Resource> ResourcePtr;// for ease  
    ResourcePtr sound1 = resourceManager.Get<SoundResource>("boom.ogg");  
    ResourcePtr sprite = resourceManager.Get<Image>("sprite.png");

I was just wondering how useful a class like this was, something that:

 - Loaded media files
 - Stored them in memory
 - Did this at the start of a level - loading screen.
 - Cleaned up  

Rather than having a system of:

 - Resources are held by entities only, or loose.
 - Responsible for own load into memory.

The first is a 'manager' as such; something I feel indicates it's wrong to use. However, it allows for something like a vector of resource names to be passed, rather than having to scramble around finding everything that needs to be loaded.