After testing your code, the only conclusion I can come to is that you are not actually including a `Rigidbody` on your player. When we use `GetComponent<t>()`, we are referencing an *existing* component on the host `GameObject`.

Given your above code, on an object that contains a `Rigidbody`, the object moves quite clearly. I have included a recording, for reference.

[![With a valid rigidbody, the script easily allows me to move a cube around the screen.][2]][2]


### Ensure your `GameObject` has a `Rigidbody` through code

You can add a simple tag to any script to force it to require a component. If said script is attached to a `GameObject` via the Inspector, the required component is added, too. You can do this with *any* `Component`; this is what it would look like if you forced your script to attach a `Rigidbody`:

    public class NewBehaviourScript1
        // ...

  [3]: "Time.deltaTime @"
  [4]: "Time.fixedDeltaTime @"