Charanor's answer to your previous question already covered this point

However for clarity in the video (you cited above):

* Dynamic - Green
* Kinematic - Blue
* Static - Red

The effect when two objects "interact" depends on their types:

| Ob 1    | Ob2      | Result |
| ------- | -------- |----------------------------------------------- |
| Green   | Green    | Collide: Both objects velocity is changed      |
| Green   | Blue     | Collide: Only Greens velocity is changed       |
| Green   | Red      | Collide: Only Greens velocity is changed       |
| Blue    | Blue     | No interaction - they just pass through each other |
| Blue    | Red      | No interaction - Blue passes through Red       |
| Red     | Red      | Not possible - neither object is moving **     |

** - If they were initially placed overlapping, there would be no interaction.

You can switch Ob1 and Ob2 columns - the result would be the same (hence I didn't bother with the duplicate lines).

Changing the cited lines:

> Kinematic bodies do not react to forces and only collide with dynamic bodies.

> Kinematic bodies do not collide with other kinematic or static bodies

To the colors in the video we get:

> **Blue** bodies do not react to forces and only collide with **Green** bodies.

> **Blue** bodies do not collide with other **Blue** or **Red** bodies

The video only shows interactions involving at least one **Green** body.