I have a class ``BlinkingBehaviour`` which inherits from ``MonoBehaviour``. Game objects attached to scripts containing classes that inherit from ``BlinkingBehaviour`` should, as the name suggests, blink. ``BlinkingBehaviour`` is a small class so I will share the entirety of its code here: public class BlinkingBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { private Renderer renderer; public bool BlinkingEnabled; public Color BlinkingColour = new Color(1.0f, 127f / 255f, 39f / 255f); protected float CurrentColourScale; protected float ColourScaleIncrementPerUpdate = 0.005f; protected const float MaxColourScale = 2f; protected void Start() { this.renderer = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>(); } protected void Update() { if (this.BlinkingEnabled) { SetBlinkingColour(); } else { SetColour(); } } protected void SetColour() { if (this.CurrentColourScale <= 1f) { this.renderer.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", this.BlinkingColour * this.CurrentColourScale); } else { this.renderer.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", this.BlinkingColour * (MaxColourScale - this.CurrentColourScale)); } } protected virtual void SetBlinkingColour() { SetColour(); this.CurrentColourScale += ColourScaleIncrementPerUpdate; if (this.CurrentColourScale <= MaxColourScale) { return; } ResetBlinkingColourScale(); } protected void ResetBlinkingColourScale() { this.CurrentColourScale = 0f; } } I have a class ``Lamp`` which inherits from ``BlinkingBehaviour``. I attached ``Lamp.cs`` to an object in my scene. In my inspector, I checked the ``BlinkingEnabled`` option, expecting to see the ``Lamp`` game object blinking after I pressed "Play". However, the object did not blink. Here is my ``Lamp`` class: public class Lamp : BlinkingBehaviour { private void Start() { base.Start(); } private void Update() { base.Update(); } } After setting various breakpoints, I could see that the ``Start()`` method was hit in both ``Lamp`` and ``BlinkingBehaviour``. I could also see that ``this.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>();`` returned a valid component. On the other hand, my breakpoint in the ``Update`` method in ``Lamp`` was never hit. What can I do to fix this issue? **UPDATE:** I deleted the ``Start()`` and ``Update()`` methods from my derived class. I discovered something new: The ``Update()`` method in ``BlinkingBehaviour`` is never called, even though ``Start()`` is.