I am learning about OpenGL API on Android. I just drew a circle. Below is the code I used. public class MyGLBall { private int points=360; private float vertices[]={0.0f,0.0f,0.0f}; private FloatBuffer vertBuff; //centre of circle public MyGLBall(){ vertices=new float[(points+1)*3]; for(int i=3;i<(points+1)*3;i+=3){ double rad=(i*360/points*3)*(3.14/180); vertices[i]=(float)Math.cos(rad); vertices[i+1]=(float) Math.sin(rad); vertices[i+2]=0; } ByteBuffer bBuff=ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(vertices.length*4); bBuff.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); vertBuff=bBuff.asFloatBuffer(); vertBuff.put(vertices); vertBuff.position(0); } public void draw(GL10 gl){ gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glTranslatef(0, 0, 0); // gl.glScalef(size, size, 1.0f); gl.glColor4f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f, 1.0f); gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, vertBuff); gl.glEnableClientState(GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); gl.glDrawArrays(GL10.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, points/2); gl.glDisableClientState(GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); gl.glPopMatrix(); } } It is actually taken directly from [here][1] The circle looks pretty good. But now Iwant to make the boundary of the circle smooth. What changes do I need to make to the code? Or do I need to use some othe rtechnique for drawing the circle? Thanks. [1]: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/26232/drawing-a-circle-in-opengl-es-android-squiggly-boundaries