This is a vector projection. Dotting a vector like `AgentPosition` with a unit direction vector like `AgentHeading` or `AgentSide` gives you [the signed length of the component of that vector parallel to that direction][1].

Doing it with each perpendicular axis direction lets you express a point from one coordinate system in a new coordinate system with those direction vectors as its basis.

So `AgentPosition.Dot(AgentHeading)` answers "how far is the agent from the origin, along the heading direction?" and `AgentPosition.Dot(AgentSide)` does the same for the side direction. Negating these flips the question: "how far is the origin from the agent, along this direction?"

Combined, `Tx` and `Ty` now hold the position of the world origin, from the perspective of the agent's local coordinate system, where +x is its heading, and +y is its side.

A simpler version of this algorithm (assuming the heading and side vectors are perpendicular unit vectors, so no scaling or shearing) would be:

    inline Vector2D PointToLocalSpace(const Vector2D &point,
                                 Vector2D &AgentHeading,
                                 Vector2D &AgentSide,
                                  Vector2D &AgentPosition)
      // Get the world space vector from the agent to the point.
      Vector2D offset = point.Subtract(AgentPosition);
      // Project this offset onto our heading & side directions to put it in local space.
      Vector2D local;
      local.x = offset.Dot(AgentHeading);
      local.y = offset.Dot(AgentSide);
      return local;

If you expand out the math, you'll find this is equivalent to the original function:

    local.x = offset.x * AgentHeading.x + offset.y * AgentHeading.y
            = (point.x - AgentPosition.x) * AgentHeading.x + (point.y - AgentPosition.y) * AgentHeading.y
            = (point.x * AgentHeading.x + point.y * AgentHeading.y) + -1 * (AgentPosition.x * AgentHeading.x + AgentPosition.y * AgentHeading.y)
            = point.Dot(AgentHeading) + -1 * AgentPosition.Dot(AgentHeading)
            = Result of multiplying the point with the first column of matTransform

We've just done the subtraction first, before we multiplied by the heading/side. In the matrix version, the subtraction happens after the multiplication by heading/side, so we need to "pre-multiply" the contribution of the heading & side vectors into it, to accomplish the same outcome.
