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Load character instead of load level

I have some trouble finding out how I can load my character at the start of the level, instead of reseting the whole thing. The game mechanics are quite straight forward; don't touch the walls. If the player touches the walls, he "pops" (seeing as it is a balloon.)

This is my current script:

public class playerSpawner : MonoBehaviour {

public Sprite charAlive, charDead;
public AudioClip popAudio;

void  OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D col ){

    if ( == "dirtWalls") {
        AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(popAudio, transform.position);
        gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = charDead;
        StartCoroutine (Dead ());
    if ( == "gooWalls") {
        gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = charDead;
        StartCoroutine (Dead ());
    if ( == "grassWalls") {
        gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = charDead;
        StartCoroutine (Dead ());

IEnumerator Dead() {
    AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(popAudio, transform.position); // PLAYS SEVERAL TIMES
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(3/2);
    Application.LoadLevel ("untitled");


It also feels like my collision is not optimal, as code should be kept as small and solid as possible. So I actually have another question to go along with my title: Could I make a parent of the walls and make it play through all the walls?