Apparently, the issue was caused by not instantiating the assets from the main thread. 

I made a custom implementation for forcing the method to run in the main thread, and it is now solved.

This is the class that I created to force a method to run in the main thread:

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    public class UnityMainThreadDispatcher : MonoBehaviour
    public static UnityMainThreadDispatcher _instance;
    private static Queue<System.Action> _actionQueue = new 

    private void Awake()
        if (!Application.isBatchMode)

        if (_instance != null)
            _instance = this;

    void Update()
        lock (_actionQueue)
            while (_actionQueue.Count > 0)

    public void ExecuteOnMainThread(System.Action action)
        lock (_actionQueue)

Then, for all the code that I want to force to the main thread, I use this:

            UnityMainThreadDispatcher._instance.ExecuteOnMainThread(async () =>
           // Enter code here