I'm building an AR app in which I wish to use Microsoft's Azure and it's web service Spatial Anchors. I cannot seem to get the sample demo, which I downloaded from https://github.com/Azure/azure-spatial-anchors-samples, to work for storing spatial anchors on the external server. Following their tutorial I can create the Azure account, set up the resource group and individual Spatial Anchors resource. However, in the Unity project, there is a config file called 'AzureSpatialAnchorsDemoConfig' which requires that you specify an account id(I have this), a primary key(i also have this), and a base sharing url: which is what I am struggling to find and is what I assume is the cause of being unable to store my anchors to the cloud. This is a snippet from the tutorial that I'm having issues with, if I fill in the address in my web browser I can't even find that ip. > In the Inspector pane, enter the Sharing Anchors Service url (from your ASP.NET web app Azure deployment) as the value for Base Sharing Url, replacing index.html with api/anchors. It should look like this: > https://<app_name>.azurewebsites.net/api/anchors.