So I basically want to load another map once the player collides with a object, specifically a "Portal" in my game. Which is really making the player move onto other levels. I don't want to jumble up my code with a bunch of function like "go_to_level_9" or something so I'm planning to use a list or dictionary or something. So how to those game devs out do that? Code's here: The part with the portal stuff, walls and a few others: for tile_object in obj_center = vec(tile_object.x + tile_object.width / 2, tile_object.y + tile_object.height / 2) if == 'player': self.player = Player(self, obj_center.x, obj_center.y) if == 'zombie': Mob(self, obj_center.x, obj_center.y) if == '#': Obstacle(self, tile_object.x, tile_object.y, tile_object.width, tile_object.height) if in ['health', 'shotgun']: Item(self, obj_center, if == 'portal': = TiledMap(path.join(self.map_folder, tile_object.type)) how do you do it? I'm currently using Tiled and pygame so I'm also using pytmx. Edit: When I run the code, it just gives me an error about my other file, Error: `File "D:\coding\my_coding_stuff\python\games\pygames\little rpg\", line 49, in apply return entity.rect.move( AttributeError: 'TiledMap' object has no attribute 'rect'` import pygame as pg import pytmx from settings import * def collide_hit_rect(one, two): return one.hit_rect.colliderect(two.rect) class Map: def __init__(self, filename): = [] with open(filename, 'rt') as f: for line in f: self.tilewidth = len([0]) self.tileheight = len( self.width = self.tilewidth * TILESIZE self.height = self.tileheight * TILESIZE class TiledMap: def __init__(self, filename): tm = pytmx.load_pygame(filename, pixelalpha=True) self.width = tm.width * tm.tilewidth self.height = tm.height * tm.tileheight self.tmxdata = tm def render(self, surface): ti = self.tmxdata.get_tile_image_by_gid for layer in self.tmxdata.visible_layers: if isinstance(layer, pytmx.TiledTileLayer): for x, y, gid, in layer: tile = ti(gid) if tile: surface.blit(tile, (x * self.tmxdata.tilewidth, y * self.tmxdata.tileheight)) def make_map(self): temp_surface = pg.Surface((self.width, self.height)) self.render(temp_surface) return temp_surface class Camera: def __init__(self, width, height): = pg.Rect(0, 0, width, height) self.width = width self.height = height def apply(self, entity): return entity.rect.move( def apply_rect(self, rect): return rect.move( def update(self, target): x = -target.rect.centerx + int(WIDTH / 2) y = -target.rect.centery + int(HEIGHT / 2) # limit scrolling to map size x = min(0, x) # left y = min(0, y) # top x = max(-(self.width - WIDTH), x) # right y = max(-(self.height - HEIGHT), y) # bottom = pg.Rect(x, y, self.width, self.height)