I need to draw a flow dynamically based on some user choices. In that flow I want to draw the choices (blue circles with number) and the directions of that choices (line and arrow). For example: node 1 to node 2.


To draw the direction I draw a arrow in the end of the line but I can't make the arrow rotate around itself.

**JS code**

    $(document).ready(function () {

    function drawOnCanvas() {
        var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');

        if (canvas.getContext) {
            var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

            var circle1 = {
                x: 75,
                y: 75,
                r: 15

            var circle2 = {
                x: 225,
                y: 50,
                r: 15

            var arrow = 
                    h: 5,
                    w: 10

            drawCircle(ctx, circle1, "1");
            drawCircle(ctx, circle2, "2");

            var ptCircle1 = getPointOnCircle(circle1.r, circle1, circle2);
            var ptCircle2 = getPointOnCircle(circle2.r, circle2, circle1);
            var ptArrow = getPointOnCircle(circle2.r + arrow.w, circle2, circle1);

            drawLine(ctx, ptCircle1, ptCircle2);
            drawArrow(ctx, arrow, ptArrow, ptCircle2);

    function drawArrow(canvasContext, arrow, ptArrow, endPt) {

        var angleInDegrees = getAngleBetweenPoints(ptArrow, endPt);

        // first save the untranslated/unrotated context

        // move the rotation point to the center of the rect    
        canvasContext.translate(ptArrow.x, ptArrow.y);        
        // rotate the rect

        canvasContext.moveTo(endPt.x, endPt.y);
        canvasContext.lineTo(endPt.x - arrow.w, endPt.y + arrow.h);
        canvasContext.lineTo(endPt.x - arrow.w, endPt.y - arrow.h);
        canvasContext.fillStyle = "rgb(72,72,72)";

        // restore the context to its untranslated/unrotated state

    function drawCircle(canvasContext, circle, text) {
        canvasContext.beginPath(); //começa ou reinicia o desenho de algo       
        canvasContext.fillStyle = "rgb(43,166,203)";
        canvasContext.arc(circle.x, circle.y, circle.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); //cria arcos     
        canvasContext.fill(); //atribui estilos

        drawText(canvasContext, circle, text);

    function drawText(canvasContext, circle, text) {
        canvasContext.font = '8pt Calibri';
        canvasContext.fillStyle = 'white';
        canvasContext.textAlign = 'center';
        canvasContext.fillText(text, circle.x, circle.y + 3);

    function drawLine(canvasContext, startPt, endPt) {
        canvasContext.moveTo(startPt.x, startPt.y);
        canvasContext.lineTo(endPt.x, endPt.y);

    function getPointOnCircle(radius, originPt, endPt) {
        var angleInDegrees = getAngleBetweenPoints(originPt, endPt);

        // Convert from degrees to radians via multiplication by PI/180        
        var x = radius * Math.cos(angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180) + originPt.x;
        var y = radius * Math.sin(angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180) + originPt.y;

        return { x: x, y: y };

    function getAngleBetweenPoints(originPt, endPt) {
        var interPt = { x: endPt.x - originPt.x,
            y: endPt.y - originPt.y

        return Math.atan2(interPt.y, interPt.x) * 180 / Math.PI;
I think the problem is in drawArrow() method in the lines

    canvasContext.translate(ptArrow.x, ptArrow.y);   

I already tried every possible values for the rotation and the translation but arrow still don't rotate properly around itself. Can anyone help me?

  [1]: http://jsfiddle.net/msmini5/jxrdtLxx/1/