I assume the lines you don't understand are those you put comments on, so I will explain them in order.

1. A method returning an `IEnumerator` is one which can use the [`yield `][1] instruction to return values to the caller. Whenever the program flow reaches a `yield`, the program flow goes back to the caller. The caller can then process that value and then resume the execution of the enumerator-method after the `yield` instruction (or not). When you encounter such a method in a Unity project, then it is usually used for a [Coroutine][2]. The `yield return`'s in a coroutine are the points where the program flow returns to the engine which will then resume the coroutine at a later time (how much later depends on what value you `yield return`). 

  Unity Coroutines can be an elegant way to express processes which are supposed to take multiple frames to complete without having to add complicated state-determination logic to your `Update` methods or opening up the box of pandora which is actual multi-threading (I personally prefer state machines, command queues and behavior trees, but that's a personal preference).
2. The `a ? b : c` construct in C# is the [Ternary Condition Operator][3]. It returns a single value. If `a` is `true`, it returns `b`, otherwise it returns `c`. In this case `a` is `Target.y == Top.y`. So in plain English, this line means "If `Target.y` is equal `Top.y`, `Direction` is up, otherwise Direction is down".
3. And so, `Vector3 newTarget = Target.y ==Top.y ? Bottom : Top;` means "If `Target.y` is equal `Top.y`, then head towards `Bottom`, otherwise head towards `Top`"

  [1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/yield
  [2]: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Coroutines.html
  [3]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/conditional-operator