
I have a scene manager in my game and in each 'Scene' I have a render() and a update() method for drawing and updating my game's logic.

Basically, when I want to switch to another scene, let's say, when the player progresses to the next level or going from game-over back to the main menu, I just do something like this:

    SceneManager.getInstance().setCurrentScene(level2); //Where level 2 is a 'Scene' class.

I have a 'MainGame' scene who's sole purpose is to house all the methods I call from my individual levels.  So I might then do something like this:

**Current method**

    public class Level1 extends MainGame implements Scene {

	    private Resources res;
	    private MyGLRenderer r;

	    Level1(MyGLRenderer r, Resources res){
	    	super(r, res);
	     	this.res = res;
		    this.r = r;	
	    public void render() {		

        public void update(){


However, in my game, when the player survives for a certain amount of time, I want to introduce more elements into the game, so I might then have a 'level2' Scene (although strictly, from the player's perspective, the game is perceived to be one big rolling level).....

        public class Level2 extends MainGame implements Scene {

	        private Resources res;
	        private MyGLRenderer r;

	    Level2(MyGLRenderer r, Resources res){

	    	super(r, res);
	     	this.res = res;
		    this.r = r;	
	    public void render() {		
            draw(pink-enemies);  //New!!!! *********************************

        public void update(){



So, as you can see, Level2 is exactly the same as Leve1 but now I'm also drawing my 'pink-enemies', I can keep doing this for 'levels' 3 through 10 but I'll end up *duplicating* and simply adding to each level each time.  Seems like a lot of effort just to introduce 1 or 2 new things every 'level'.

**Using conditions within my render / logic?**

Is there a cleaner / tidier way of achieving that which I'm trying to achieve?  I could do away with all my individual 'Level' classes altogether and just work straight out my MainGame class's Render() and Update() methods, but then I would have to have something like:


        //Render elements common to all levels

        //Render specific level objects
        Switch (Level){

            case 4:{draw(giantAlienSpaceship);}
            case 3:{draw(orange-enemies);}
            case 2:{draw(pinkEnemies);break;}

And then a similar **switch** in my logic.  I'm not sure about this however, as it adds additional switch/conditional statements in my rendering and seems somewhat 'amateur' however, I could be completely wrong and this may be an acceptable method that people do use.

Am I missing any other obvious cleaner / cleverer way to do this (similar to my first method but without the duplicated super method calls)