> Was it even a good thing to do, making the Class a GameComponent?

No. You should only consider using `GameComponent`s for higher level concepts that sit directly on top of your `Game` class and will only require one instance to exist at any time.

Good examples are classes with *Manager* in their names such as a `ScreenManager`, `InputManager` or `AudioManager`, or classes that are built to be plug and play such as a `FramerateCounter` ([see link](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnhar/archive/2007/06/08/displaying-the-framerate.aspx)) that you can easily reuse in any other project just by dropping it in.

So if for instance you created a scene graph class to store and manage the rendering and updating of your game world and all of its objects, you *might* consider making it a `DrawableGameComponent`. On the other hand, using it for each individual game object is not recommended at all.