Yes, using interfaces is one way to do this.

You can use `GetComponents` (note the additional `s`) to get all components on a gameObject which implement the same interface or inherit from the same class. So you can create an interface which marks any MonoBehaviour which adds one or more context menu options to the gameObject it is on. 

Let's call this interface `IContextOptionsProvider` and give it a method `IEnumerable<ContextOption> GetContextOptions()` (assuming `ContextOption` is a plain old C# class you created to represent a context option). Then, when you create a MonoBehaviour which is supposed to add one or more context menu options to the gameObject it is on, you have it implement that interface and implement that method to return the context options. This could look something like this:

    public class Potion : MonoBehaviour, IContextOptionProvider
        public IEnumerable<ContextOption> GetContextOptions() {
            return new ContextMenuOption[] {
        /* definition of Drink, Sniff and PourOut */

Now if you want to get all the context options of all the components of a GameObject which implement `IContextOptionsProvider`, you can do it like this:

        foreach(IContextOptionProvider provider in gameObject.GetComponents<IContextOptionProvider>()) {
            foreach(ContextOption contextOption in provider.GetContextOptions()) {
                // do what needs to be done with each contextOption