I'm trying to create a game that uses a battle and monster system like Pokemon. I'm using some similar equations that I've modified to fit my desired level/tier system. One thing I'm trying to figure out is how to balance my monsters when I am creating them. I will have stats for health, attack, defense, special attack, special defense, and possibly speed. Unlike Pokemon, I'd like to have all my monsters be relatively balanced so that at high levels you could conceivably use any one. One thought I had was to write a simple program that allowed me to create a monster. Its stats would start at a base 50 and every time I increased its stat by 4, the other stats would drop by 1. I could then tailor my monsters to be defense heavy while lacking offense, etc. One issues, is that my health equation yields a higher amount of health per increase in stat point versus the other stats. Do you have any suggestions for improvements or a new system.