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Questions tagged [user-interface]

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to map interaction events to game actions

When I port between Desktop games and Mobile games, I find I always make a kludge out of the interaction events. I typically end up hard-coding event handling for mobile, and event handling for the ...
Bram's user avatar
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Differentiate Generic Tromino or Tetramino Match vs Specific Shape (Square, Line, L, ect..) in Match-3

This is primarily a user interface question related to match-3 games and visualizing a goal for the player using clear imagery. I'm interested in having a match-3 game where if you get certain matches ...
G. Putnam's user avatar
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Scene for Computer Screen

We are developing a scene that will involve heavily interacting with a "touch screen monitor" in the scene.. Because the workflow of the touch screen will need to be dynamic we are creating a REST API ...
R Down's user avatar
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XR Hands - Mesh Trigger

I like the XR Hands visualizer, but I'm wondering if I can just use the mesh from the hands as a trigger when they collide with an object. Is this possible? I tried it without success. I just want ...
Wes Tomer's user avatar
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How do I capture Button Events in Unity?

When making a game menu, how do I hook into "OnSelect"/"OnDeselect"/"OnHighlight"/etc with custom callbacks? The Button MonoBehaviour doesn't seem to allow subscribing to ...
dewbacca's user avatar
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How to indicate players they should click to continue?

My game is entirely based on single click/touch interactions. In the screenshot, the player has just clicked the toolbox and the message "My toolbox - I better pick it up." appeared. I want ...
Krumelur's user avatar
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Getting a control name/Displaying tooltip text

I am developing a character creator using Windows Forms (because apparently I can't create menus in Unity), and I want to display some tips and descriptions in a ...
JoeKalango's user avatar
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Networking User Interface Buttons (build queue items)

I am creating a RTS with Unity/C#, and have noticed a problem synchronising build queues. Is there an ideal solution to handle button prediction? I think I may have overengineered the solution... ...
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