Questions tagged [unity]

Unity is a cross-platform game creation system that focuses on easy art pipeline process. It consists of a game engine and an integrated development environment. The game engine's scripting is built on Mono.

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Projector does only affect model

I'm working on a simple selection of a RTS unit. Therefore I used a projector to display a circle on the ground around the unit. But it happened, that the circle is only displayed on the head of the ...
pguetschow's user avatar
0 votes
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TCP Socket communication with unity

I am working on communicating unity application with an PC app. Since I doesn't know how socket programming can be implemented in unity.Can anybody please help me in creating a simple small ...
user1509674's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Writing and reading Computebuffer in a Shader

I'm trying to write into a Computebuffer in the fragment shader, but it doesn't work. Its pretty hard to get the Depth-Value in the Compute Buffer, so it would be so easy to just use the Pixel/...
OC_RaizW's user avatar
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4 answers

Interface object never equals null

I've created an interface class for some mechanic I'm using to interact with things in my game. Now, I noticed that checking if that value is null never returns true. Here's a screenshot of where this ...
Dries's user avatar
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How can I make a character Blink effect in Unity?

I am making a game where I am making a health script where I have made a blueprint of what needs to be done. I'm trying a blinking effect after the character is hurt. Can someone help me make a blink ...
user80678's user avatar
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Disadvantages of using a singular scene in Unity

In my previous experience with Unity, I have had an organized level structure where each level instance was easily separated into a different scene. For my current project, it would be much more ...
lase's user avatar
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Twin stick shooter turning and animation using Vector3.Angle() in Unity

I am trying to smoothly transition between running, strafing, and running backwards by calculating the angle between the left thumb stick (move) and the right thumb stick (rotate). It is my ...
Doctor Win's user avatar
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Unity2D: How to save volume of audio source when game is restarted?

How do I save volume of my audio source (clicking the mute button) when game is restarted. You see I have one scene in my game and once the player dies there is a button the user can click on that ...
Jessca Stone's user avatar
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Things not appearing in front of canvas (follow up)

Follow up/related question to: Things disappear in front of Canvas I'm having a very similar problem, where things are not appearing in front of my canvas. This time a particle system. I have tried ...
user3078100's user avatar
-4 votes
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SerializeField and Range(0, 1) in Unity3D

I want know What is the Use Of [SerializeField] and [Range(0,1)] in Unity3D.
Gopal's user avatar
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Is Time.deltaTime framerate dependent?

I have a game that calculates your score via Time.deltaTime (the more time the more score). On my PC I get about 1200 points if I just idle the game while on my ...
user3078100's user avatar
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Things disappear in front of Canvas

I'm trying to add some text to my Canvas but it seems to disappear in front of it? So does particle systems and other things? It is a child object of the canvas.
user3078100's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Why do my buttons look like this? (unity game development)

They are extremely ugly? I can't figure out why.
user3078100's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I Serialize other MonoBehaviour class for showing in inspector?

I have variables in my script but I can access these variables from other script but I want see them in other script without define again. I know about ...
Seyed Morteza Kamali's user avatar
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Conversion of a C++ library to DLL

I'm developing an augmented reality application and I'm supposed to use the ALVAR library for AR marker detection. I use Unity as the game engine and unfortunately it doesn't support C++. Is there any ...
Sooraj K Babu's user avatar
3 votes
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Make Unity game using files directly from game directory

For stats of enemies, and several other kinds of info, I've decided to use not inspector fields or hardcoded values, but to store values to some XML and other types of files, and read them from ...
lentinant's user avatar
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Missing Reference: Unity should clone object before destroying

For a small RTS Project, I'm working on the pointer. I want a pyramid as a marker on the terrain, that indicates the selected position, sinks into the ground and disappears. For the next interaction ...
pguetschow's user avatar
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My script isn't deleting or destroying my prefab game object in Unity2D

My script isn't deleting this game object once it reaches a certain position in my game. This is my script: ...
Jessca Stone's user avatar
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Unity OnCollision() not working

Seem to have exhausted google looking for an answer to a VERY bullet simple code that should work. ...
herewego's user avatar
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How to disable collider2D when another gameobject is on top of it

Each black colored square has a BoxCollider2D. How can I disable the collider after I put another game object on top of it? Here is the sample output:
Roper Jojo Domingo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unity Online Multiplayer

I have searched this on the internet, but I didn't get any clear answers. My question is - Can I implement an online multiplayer functionality in Unity personal edition? Also without spending any ...
AJ123's user avatar
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How can I get a Box Collider's "corners" (vertices) positions?

I attached a Box Collider to a object, which has not the center as its pivot. Now I need the 8 corner points. Right now I can only get the points in a unrotated state. But whenever I rotate the ...
OC_RaizW's user avatar
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Should I combine multiple tiles of terrain as one mesh in Unity3D?

I have a tiled terrain, generated by multiple noise algorithms. Currently, each tile is it's own GameObject, that has a handler for an ...
Frement's user avatar
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Why does this transparent shader cause objects' z-sorting to be backwards?

I am making a Klondike Solitaire game, with the intent of later expanding it to encompass other solitaire games and allow deck customization. As part of this, the playing card meshes I am creating ...
Toomai's user avatar
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Unity2D: How to destroy spawned object once it exit out of camera's view?

I'm trying to destroy spawned objects once it exit out of camera view automatically/straight away. You see I'm trying to make a flappy brids type of game but things also comes in from the bottom and ...
Jessca Stone's user avatar
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Unity UI Animation Transition

So I'm fine with gameplay coding, but menus are something I'm still very new to. I was watching Unity's own video on how to deal with Buttons and I thought I'd try mock up my own button animation ...
Bearzerk's user avatar
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MobileSingleStickControl Elements Disabled Unity

I cloned my Unity project on other system. Elements attached to canvas(a prefab) are disabled and when I select an element in inspector, for example Background (shown in screenshot) it is showing ...
NightFury's user avatar
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Where can I download earlier versions of Oculus? I specifically need Oculus utilities 0.8 so as to use it on RiftCat

I am trying to create a game using the Leap Motion, Oculus and Unity 5. I am using RiftCat to tether it to a mobile. But games built with Oculus versions 0.6 - 0.8 are allowed to be tethered. I have ...
Saranya Ananthakrishnan's user avatar
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3 answers

Changing tag on collision

I'm trying to switch the tag on my Player to something else when a collision between two unrelated objects happens, and then switch the tag of another object to Player, so my camera script will follow ...
user3078100's user avatar
3 votes
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Unity Remote screen resolution

I just made a game using Unity. However, when I tested the game on unity remote, the resolution or graphic of the game was really low compared to the actual game. Would this change when I deploy the ...
AJ123's user avatar
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4 votes
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Unity - Trying to copy the render texture for the scene rendered by a camera but it is blank?

I'm trying to copy the scene rendered by a particular camera to a render target. I know this should be possible to do without using the camera's target texture as I read through this official Unity ...
user1423893's user avatar
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Switching camera position on collision

I'm trying to switch the camera to another object on collision. This is what I've tried to do: ...
Paze's user avatar
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Can we measure the distance between and AR marker and camera?

I'm in the middle of developing a game in Augmented Reality using Unity and ARToolkit plugin. I wanted to measure the approximate distance between the AR marker and the position of camera. Can anyone ...
Sooraj K Babu's user avatar
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Deleting faces or triangles from an object by material on load scene

I have objects that have multiple materials imported from blender as a .FBX. I'd like to find the objects where materials are used, and destroy faces when a certain material name is used ("!null", in ...
Napivo's user avatar
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Both are scale 1, one is a lot smaller

Both of these balls are the same scale (1) but one is a lot bigger. What can cause this? I don't think I've ever scaled the ball anywhere in my code.
Paze's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Can I drag and drop to a specific place in Unity?

Is possible to drag and drop a game object into a specific place? For example, I want to put an LED sprite in the hole of a breadboard sprite.
Roper Jojo Domingo's user avatar
1 vote
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Unity2D: Frost Effect Animation

I want to know is there a way of using Mathf.SmoothStep to control the float of a variable? You see I downloaded this package ("Frost Effect by Steven Craeynest") ...
Jessca Stone's user avatar
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Does anyone have a example of Dual Contouring in C#?

I'm trying to develop a method of creating terrain using Perlin. I've followed plenty of the Minecraft tutorials, and got them to function. I've done some playing around with MarchingSquares, but I'm ...
Alexander Meyers's user avatar
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Physics feel wrong

This is how my game looks so far: I feel the physics are off. The ball is just instantly slowing down instead of flying across that floor. You can see the drag is turned down so I don't know why ...
Paze's user avatar
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Unity2D: Muting audio Clip problems

I'm trying to create a mute button (that goes both way, e.g mute and un-mute) using button onclick So far I'm not having the greatest luck. I made this: ...
Jessca Stone's user avatar
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Character keeps moving

I'm trying to create a stamina script, where you can only use rb.AddForce (movement) if you have stamina, else you shouldn't be able to move. Here is my code so far (with help from here): ...
Paze's user avatar
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Animating 2d character which can wear items?

In my game the player can control a character which can wear items. Now it is not visible but I would like to make it visible like for example in Terraria, Starbound, etc. In my game a player can ...
Tudvari's user avatar
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Different kind of stamina problem

I have an object that I interact with physics via: ...
Paze's user avatar
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Aim assist (GoldenEye/Perfect Dark)

Anyone remember how the aim assist works in GoldenEye on n64? Where the gun model would point at an enemy if he's within a certain area in your field of view. I'm trying to do something like that but ...
herewego's user avatar
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How to limit the speeding up of enemy movement?

Is there a way of limiting my speeding my enemy script every time my player collects 10 points. I have a movement script attached to my enemies and every time my player collects 10 points my enemies ...
Jessca Stone's user avatar
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How to make variables restart when the game restarts?

My game is all in one scene so when my player dies and the user clicks restart the game (when it shows the game over screen) the script below doesn't restart with it so the enemies are still going ...
Jessca Stone's user avatar
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How do you stop touch[].phase when using Joystick prefab?

I have a camera that rotates around the player only in x axis when you swipe on the screen. I have two buttons and a joystick prefab on the UI. I don't want the camera to move when ...
MrChips's user avatar
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Scene doesn't load in editor but loads perfectly fine in final build

When my character dies the game is supposed to load a new scene. The code is perfectly fine because it does this when I make a web build for it. But in the editor I get this: I have no idea what the ...
Chipepper's user avatar
2 votes
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OnCollisionEnter not called when two colliders collide

In my 2D game, there is a ball with a circle collider ,and a platform with a box collider. The ball has a material for bounciness and a rigidbody2D. The platform only has the box collider. I find it ...
Alox's user avatar
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I can't use both of the Xbox 360 gamepad's analog triggers at the same time in my game

I am using a Xbox 360 controller on my Windows computer, with this control scheme: Squeezing LT aims down the sights of the weapon Squeezing RT shoots the weapon Each of these actions works ...
The MattBat999's user avatar

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