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Use references to UIManager script or direct for children OBJs

So I've got a canvas with UIManager script attached to it, the canvas has a lot of buttons and texts as children OBJs and they somehow need to communicate to each other. Should this be done through ...
ZippyDaFish's user avatar
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Counter won't add to score [closed]

I'm trying to make a rolling ball game. But for some reason, I can't seem to get the counter to actually add to the score. Here's the code: ...
Connor Fineran's user avatar
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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [duplicate]

Hi so im displaying food, health an water on the screen in a text box by using UnityEngine.UI and making text variables. They are all defined in the update function so they will keep changing and are ...
Declan Wadsworth's user avatar
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Why Unity3D 2018 UI looks bad and very sharpy?

I update my project from Unity 2017.1.1 to 2018.3.9 and almost everything is OK except UIs. All of UIs like Images,Buttons,texts,text mesh pro, sprites and others looks very sharpy and pixel pixel ... ...
iman_sh's user avatar
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Unity Canvas hover image does not trigger event

So i have the following setup: This produces the following UI: Now on each of the "HudCircle"(Bottom/Right/Left/Top), I have the following components: As you can see I have a script that has the ...
Marc Rasmussen's user avatar
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Simple shader that scales UI image from the center

I'm having trouble making a (vertex) shader that scales UI images from the center. I can scale the image, but the image doesn't stay centered. Here is a project showing the problem Here is a ...
Drin's user avatar
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Preventing the mouse from breaking keyboard navigation in UI?

I am trying to achieve the following, a behavior like Windows Explorer where mouse and keyboard play nice together. Here's a GIF along explanations: first I click one of the folders using the mouse ...
aybe's user avatar
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Changing text occurs error: move initialization code to the Awake or Start function

I have GameManager class that has Log method: ...
modernator's user avatar
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Issue with button clicked by mouse? [duplicate]

I have panel with some images and buttons. when I click on a button with "gold" name it works, and if I click on any thing other I got error //NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an ...
user43474's user avatar
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How can I approach writing a GUI framework for my game? [closed]

The problem I want to write a simple GUI framework designed for a game, in order to learn the inner workings and nitty-gritty of how GUI 'engines' such as Unity3D's GUI work. I can't find any ...
HL.'s user avatar
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Identify button from script?

I want from my script to change the color of the button that identify from the Function OnClick. It's possible ? ...
user43474's user avatar
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Moving panel between two positions smoothly?

I'm trying to make my panel moving from one position to another one smoothly. What I get is more faster no matter what I did to make it slower never get slow !! Both Vector3.Lerp and Vector3....
user43474's user avatar
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Using Unity Post Processing v2, how can I apply processing effects to just the UI?

I am using Unity 2018.3 with HDRP 4.9, and Post Processing 2.1.3. I would like to apply post processing effects (i.e bloom) to the UI only. I tried the 2 camera approach, but still can't get it ...
JacketPotatoeFan's user avatar
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Technical term for the border that appears around the screen, usually in response to low health?

This had a strange term but I can't remember what it's called and it's difficult to search for.
guest85957435340534's user avatar
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JavaFX - How do I create a health bar?

I tried searching online on how to implement health bar with Java FX in a 2D side-view Java fighting game but I can only find those that goes with 'awt' and 'Swing'. The health bar I'm picturing are ...
WCKennedays's user avatar
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Create context menu in Scene view

I created some MenuItemfunctions for navigating, which are currently displayed on the menu toolbar. The C# code: ...
Elgirhath's user avatar
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how do I instantiate a prefab that adds to the score text in c#?

Hello I'm working on a game with random generation, a dungeon crawler of sorts. i need to be able to have an object that when instantiated, adds to the score(the goal is to find all of them as the ...
Indiepixel's user avatar
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How to zoom image on Unity UI to particular point where mouse cursor is located?

I have some RectTransform on Unity UI. I have already implemented some Zoom functionality but now I need it to zoom to the area where the mouse cursor is located. Currently, it zooms to the anchor ...
Random generalist's user avatar
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UI/Menu that works with and without VR (Unity, WMR)

I'm working on an app that I want to be useable without and with VR (with a Windows Mixed Reality HMD like the Samsung Odyssey). For non-VR I'm simply using a canvas in "Screen Space - Camera" and a ...
Neph's user avatar
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Rewriting a text object [duplicate]

I'm trying to set up a UI system. Say I have a text object 'text' which is visible onscreen. I want to change it with a button press using a script such that the text box's previous string is replaced ...
SPeked's user avatar
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Unity UI Buttons don't work when clicked, don't seem intractable at all

This is probably a quick and easy fix but I can't seem to get it. As the title says I've got UI buttons which appear when my character dies, they used to work just fine but now suddenly when doing a ...
Demonic218's user avatar
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Why is this LIBGDX Action behavior THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what I expect?

Here is a code snippet of the relevant section in my render loop. My intention was to make the actor who was currently focused blinking, to indicate that it was the currently selected UI element. But ...
cafeTechne's user avatar
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How to attach an UI button to a prefab and follow it in Unity2D

My plan is creating a button above my prefab (a tree) and whenever my character is detected, the button will appear and allow me to click on it to active a dialog. I just want my trees are randomly ...
adorablemelon's user avatar
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Error in DRAW GUI event on android. (GameMaker)

Image of the game on a mobile phone: As you can see the maze (draw event) has been resized correctly. But the yellow post-it (draw GUI event) has not been scaled or displayed in the correct location ...
Boneco Sinforoso's user avatar
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How to sort cards' on-screen positions by their suit?

I have a 13 cards and sort button. When I click that button, I want all the cards of each suit to be grouped-together on screen. So if I have 4 diamond cards in my 13-card hand, all 4 diamonds must ...
Deepak Gaurav's user avatar
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Make Unity GUI for mobile phones only?

I'm using Unity and I want to make a responsive GUI for portrait resolution only. Now I'd like to know if this is a good or bad idea when I force the user to play my game in portrait mode only. Shall ...
drpelz's user avatar
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Unity - Button still interactable even when interactable is set to false

my button can still be pressed in-game even if I set it to button.interactable = false; What I'm trying to achieve is when the Panel ...
Nox Eternal's user avatar
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Blurry text in Unity UI at default scale

I'm working on a VR (GoogleVR Cardboard) game, and need to include UI elements within it. Ever since I first learned how to use Unity's UI elements, I've been limping around what seems to be a major ...
Bitbang3r's user avatar
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Contracting Unity EditorWindow UI

How can I make scalable(contracting) EditorWindow UI(not in-game UI) like in inspector example?
GuardFromUA's user avatar
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Trying to mix and mingle 3d physics with the Unity UI

I have recently created a drag drop system where I drag stuff from a UI menu and then drop it to another UI. The child of the draggable UI object is a 3d model. I have attached box collider and ...
Adnan Nazir's user avatar
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"SetSelectedGameobject" only highlights button on second try (Unity 2017.3)

To support the use of a gamepad in the options menu I set SetSelectedGameObject and firstSelectedGameObject (which doesn't seem ...
Neph's user avatar
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How can I make the cursor avoid something completely?

I wrote some code for a UI button that causes the mouse to avoid it. I realize this is kind of a weird thing to do in a game design-wise, but this is a really weird game. I need a button that is not ...
tyjkenn's user avatar
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Quest UI Display in Unity 2D

I have this quest manager script where I store all my quests for easy duplication. I'm adding a feature that gives the player the option to see his/her current to-do quest. The first thing I ...
Nicole James Cresencio's user avatar
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Blurry UI when using Screen Space Camera

I am using Screen-Space Camera as a render mode on canvas but the Textmeshpro text and other UI elements are looking blurry around edges. I think it might be due to canvas scaler setting. After ...
paul p's user avatar
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Does a successful attempt count as an attempt?

I'm writing a video game and I'd like to know if I should include the "successful" attempt in the count of "total attempts". For instance, in a clay shooting game, if the player needs four shots ...
bibble triple's user avatar
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Unity 3d texture animated round circular bar

I'm struggling to create a circular bar with an animated texture and a round cap end. What I would like to create is implemented in the Unity game Subnautica - the bottom left bar. So here is the HUD ...
user3134909's user avatar
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Unable to add button in Unity

I am wanting to add a button to my scene in order to mute/unmute music. I can add the button to my scene, but it's not appearing on the UI. I can't see it anywhere, not on the scene nor the game ...
mikemike's user avatar
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How to clip what is outside scroll view when using a custom UI element?

I have created a custom UI element (that use CanvasRenderer). Here is code : ...
tigrou's user avatar
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Trigger the button's onclick after checking that the cursor has been on it for some time

I would like to have the mouse hover/click the button for a fixed amount of time (5 seconds) before triggering the onclick method, it can click only after they have ...
Safa's user avatar
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Create a curved UI [closed]

I am new and Unity and I want to do a curved UI as if I project a canvas on a cylinder, a bit like this : picture Thing is, it is not that easy. I found this question and answer, but didn't manage to ...
Quentin M's user avatar
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Unity WorldToViewportPoint not giving correct results

I have a script that places an UI element on the place where a 3d object is in 3d space. I do this in the following way: ...
FutureCake's user avatar
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How can I outline text in Unity?

Since it generates more triangles and vertices, the official outline script isn't a good way to do text outlining in my project. How can I outline my text, with better performance? TextMesh Pro may ...
OtakuFitness's user avatar
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How can I render 3d objects over uGUI?

I have a scene with 3d objects but need uGUI as background. How can I achieve this?
questionasker's user avatar
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jMonkeyEngine ignores keyboard input

Created a game login form using the Nifty GUI. The interface reacts to the movement and clicking of the mouse, but ignores the input in the text fields. Whether the program is looking for a click ...
Risto's user avatar
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Decouple GUI from Logic

I don't have an educational background in the programming-world; however, I've been working on a programm in my spare time for the last two years. I'm currently struggling with how to decouple the ...
Julius Von Pepsi's user avatar
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Why doesn't the Camera.pixel(Height/Width) match the Canvas size?

I am making an app that has a custom viewport Rect like so: When I check the sizes of this viewport rectangle in pixels with Camera.pixelHeight; Camera.pixelWidth,...
FutureCake's user avatar
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Unity - Raw Image Size scaled to Photoshop

I'm just a beginner in Unity, so basically, I want to find out the exact measurement unity of the raw image so that I can now design in photoshop. I tried in Pixels in photoshop but when I import it ...
Addy Pete's user avatar
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2.5D UI, perspecitve view, distort objects by angle but not position

Instead of thousand words, a few pictures to explain what I want to achieve How do I get the merit of UI objects rotation in perspective projection, but ignore the position of an object(as in Overlay ...
metamorphling's user avatar
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My Canvas has an image which I am using for my background but it is blocking my Camera from seeing my Game Scene

So I am not entirely sure how to explain this as I have not had any luck searching online and I'm sure this is a simple problem but I'm being stupid and can't see it. I have a Canvas which is for my ...
VCertainty's user avatar
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unity UI limitation for tutorial purpose

i want to add a tutorial part to my game that i make by unity.i have some panels that for tutorial purpose i want to limit user to just click a button.most of games make a dark panel over all places ...
virtouso's user avatar
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