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Use Graphics Raycaster do implement pointer control VR

I am trying to figure out how to allow my players to put in a code to join a group room using photon. Unity seems to suggest using a graphics raycaster but in most sample code it uses mouse input for ...
Doug Ray's user avatar
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Gradient Input in Game view

I want to develop a little tool to help visualize fireworks before using them in a show in Unity where the user can set several parameters and gets a preview of the firework effect in a preview window....
geisterfurz007's user avatar
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Unity Input System On-Screen Button doesn't work with touchscreen 2019.3.2f1

I am trying to make my player jump whenever the space button is pressed (if a keyboard is present), and I'm adding a on-screen button for players on mobile. The on-screen button works fine in the ...
lsauceda's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Unity UI - Value of text input (assigned with OnChange event) is always "one letter behind"

I am having a problem in unity setting up a search field. I will post pictures down reggarding my problem but first let me quickly explain what is going on. I have input element in my ui and i have ...
Lucián Blažek's user avatar
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Unity. Input in function for UI button OnClick

I am trying to create multiple selections for some items on my UI. To perform multiple selections of items I want a user to hold left control button. But then I add ...
Random generalist's user avatar
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2 answers

Pressing two buttons on Android with same thumb touch. UI Event Triggers not working

NOTE: See bottom of the question as I have managed to use a workaround which works to press the two buttons at once on Android (thanks to Douglas Potestas help) I've struggled with this in the past ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
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(How exactly to use EventSystem?) Assigning string Name to UI Button in Unity without CrossPlatformInput?

I'm trying to make a new game for Android. There is a Jump button i've added as UI button , this works fine as I have a method for Jump() which I can just add to the OnClick() method in the Button's ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
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1 answer

GraphicRaycaster performance OnClick

Let's say I have two Canvases: BackgroundCanvas and UICanvas. Now, on BackgroundCanvas I ...
Jacob's user avatar
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How to only allow one space in an InputField?

I've been messing with this for a while now and I can't get this to work 100%. I'm using an InputField for players to enter a character name, and I want to allow a first and last name. Here's how I've ...
Adariel Lzinski's user avatar
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1 answer

AntTweakBar doesn't register SFML mouse events

I'm trying to add GUI for easier level editing in our game engine. We're using SFML for all the basic stuff (window management, input events etc). I've chosen AntTweakBar because it is a well known ...
gamiseta's user avatar
2 votes
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Unity: onEditEnd and onSubmit only firing from Return key

I have an InputField in my UI, but currently I can only submit its contents via the Return key. I tried mapping other buttons to the Submit action (e.g. the tab key ...
eternal's user avatar
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Unity keyboard GUI navigation priority

I noticed something strange while playing with my menu on keyboard. I have four items arranged in a square (i.e. the top-left item should be able to navigate to the top-right and the bottom-left). If ...
eternal's user avatar
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Help with open and close UI Menu on background mouse click

I am trying to make a point and click game in unity 5.2.2. My problem is that I need to have a UI menu to open, when the player clicks with the left mouse button on the background sprite, and it ...
Martin Rohwedder's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

GetButtonDown for Unity keyboard UI navigation?

By default, Unity's keyboard navigation for buttons seems to check for GetButton rather than GetButtonDown--if a menu has 5 items and I hold the down arrow, it'll scroll very quickly to the bottom. ...
eternal's user avatar
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2 answers

LWJGL Wait for key press in a single method

Currently I am implementing the possibility in my game to change the keyboard configuration. Therefor, I have a menu in which is a button for each action the player can do. If the player clicks on one ...
M0rgenstern's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

In a GUI, should input be handled when the button is pressed or released?

In the menu system for our game (selecting levels, options, etc.), the player presses the a button on the gamepad to go to the next screen. I coded the menu system to wait until the button is released ...
Venesectrix's user avatar