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How to make a multi-value slider in Godot?

In Godot 4.3, I need a multi-value range slider, that does not accept user interaction. I need to show a range of values (0 - 100) and also a range of accepted values (40-60, for example). And finally,...
nammerkage's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I connect a signal, with specific signal arguments, to an incompatible function in Godot 4 with the UI?

To clarify, I'm attempting to trigger an event on the entry of the player into an Area3D. This event is handled by an ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Problem with 2D projection

I have a green circle: Inside the circle, the white frame moves to wherever P, the projection of the targets 3D position into a 2D point, is. However, outside the circle, the frame will move to the ...
KING MOOSE's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Public method doesn't show up as a selectable option in a button's On Click event

I have the following public method in a MonoBehaviour attached to a game object in my scene: ...
TheLongDog's user avatar
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How to add an HTML + CSS overlay to a DirectX app?

I'm looking for a way to render html and css elements within an executable as an overlay. There are programs today made in electron such as Blitz or even the best known Discord. They do overlay within ...
robert's user avatar
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Textures embedded in a scene that are changed programmatically are not exported with the game

Using Godot 4.4.dev1, I have created two scenes that I use for my HUD. One for abilities and one for keyboard keys. Both have exported variables that contain information about textures that I load in ...
Dragonforge Development's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Bug with TextMeshPro in InputField

I made my pixel font and imported it into Unity using TextMeshPro. It works perfectly everywhere except InputFields. When I change Font Asset to my font, the input ...
medveed's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Move mouse from one viewport to another

I am currently implementing a map editor for a 2D platformer and run into trouble with my viewport and mouse movement. I have two viewports: one main viewport in the top 2/3 of the screen which has a ...
Canox's user avatar
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1 answer

How to structure a complex inventory system in Unity?

My inventory needs to deal with different Item types. Item is my base class, which is extended by Armor, Weapon, Spell, Scroll and I might add more in the future. All items have an interaction on ...
Pascal Claes's user avatar
-3 votes
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Character selection screen to choose what character loads in next scene

I am working on the character selection screen for my game. I want it so that, when the player clicks on the select button, the code checks if the imagecollection ...
Jano Wazir's user avatar
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Some widgets have started to flicker with UE5.4.2 version

Recently I’ve upgrade the engine of a simple game I’m developing, from 5.3.2 version to 5.4.2 version. I noticed several issues about widgets that flicker both in UI menus and in 3D Widget Components. ...
Radioga's user avatar
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1 answer

Rotating SDF rectangle with Matrix4

Hei I'm trying to create my own UI renderer from scratch using SDF functions, got it working pretty good without any transformations, but now I would like to add ...
Tonis's user avatar
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How would you implement a map system like WoW?

I'm really struggling with a 'resonable' technical implementation of the map system used by the popular MMO World of Warcraft. Not really sure on a data structure format and how to save/store it in a ...
Subressor's user avatar
2 votes
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Theme lookup in Godot 4.2

Trying to understand how theme lookup works in Godot 4.2. Suppose a Control node script has the following two lines in it: ...
shiroko's user avatar
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Matrix parent-child transformation for 2D positioning

I am working with matrix math for parent / child transformations. I have to modify existing calculations to keep child scale constant while also keeping child position relative to its parent. Here's ...
Karli Casper's user avatar
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Second purchase button in shop interface doesn't work

The 1st button works, but the 2nd button doesn't work. I think the problem is in this part: ...
Sodz1aX's user avatar
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To fix an item duplication glitch, I created an item deletion glitch

The item type is based on button.icon.texture The item quantity is based on button.quantity If item quantity reaches 0, the <...
Reincarnated as a worldbuilder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Add Item for OptionsButton is Gone from the editor

When i added in a optionbutton for my hud i couldnt find a way to add items manually,this was weird as when i looked for a way,a button on top of the editor should appear but its not there? I dont ...
NEWBIE's user avatar
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How to make UI specific to players?

How can I implement a system in my application's user interface (UI) where certain UI elements are selectively visible to specific players, ensuring that each player, such as Player A, can exclusively ...
Reincarnated as a worldbuilder's user avatar
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GUI shader that draws different textures on corners, edges, and center?

I'm working in GLSL but feel free to write a solution using any shader language, or even pseudocode / language agnostic, I can translate it myself. I'm trying to create a shader that can draw a "...
Charanor's user avatar
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How to stop the UI from moving when changing screen resolution

Added screen resolution settings Change screen resolution in game Everything is already anchored GUI gets the hell out of the screen, moves around and goes everywhere
Atsinganoi Dragon's user avatar
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How to design an EventBus(guided by the pub/sub pattern)

I'm working on my game engine, and was faced with the fact, that i don't know how properly design an event system. As a pattern i choose Pub/Sub with an event bus, but i don't know where i should '...
qulop's user avatar
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GUI TextButton fails to show emoji display when clicked

I want to create a GUI where, when I click a button, an emote display pops up, and when I click an emote, it closes. Currently, my display won't even show when the button is clicked. This is my code, ...
lynx_s's user avatar
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67 views, b, c, d) is acting very strangely

I am using a debugger and (i-1)*50 is equal to 50, but ...
ridiche34's user avatar
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Collapse/uncollapse a Tree in Godot 4 by clicking on the TreeItem?

Is there a way to collapse/uncollapse a Tree (Control) in Godot 4 by clicking on the TreeItem instead of the folding arrow? I ...
Alex CB's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom GUI with mouse pointer events handling

Recently I heard about possible algorithms to determine if the mouse cursor is on a GUI element such as a button: Determine the element's coordinates and size to check whether the cursor is on the ...
Fangamesgamer's user avatar
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2 answers

Interacting with World Space UI

Been struggling with this one for a while. I've found a few other posts across Stack Exchange and the Unity forums that seem to have the same problem, but their solutions don't work for me (at least ...
rpatton583's user avatar
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My Roblox Gui does not update while in game

In my Roblox game, I'm trying to do 2 things with my UI: 1. I am trying to make the "Coins: " text = "Coins: " plus the number of coins the player has. 2. I am trying to make a ...
Stelbert Stylton's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I keep a node centered while animating scale in Godot?

When scale is modulated, the item scales from the top-left corner. I tried changing anchors preset to "center" but it still scaled from the top-left corner. How do I make it scale from ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
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How to make detail tab show information about clicked card?

I'm attempting to create a card game as a new Unreal Dev. Currently I have a UI for the board. That UI has children for the Hands, Field, and Card Details (A window to the side of the field that has a ...
GodelComplete's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make sure my UI remains the same across multiple screens?

How to make sure my UI remains the same across multiple screens? I've looked at some tutorials, but they didn't seem to apply to my situation. I tried the following, but they didn't resolve my problem:...
Cei's user avatar
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godot saving games, explain like I'm five

using this tutorial, my game crashes before opening and gives 0 errors... doesn't even tell me what's wrong. All the code I'm using is literally just this open project:
Cei's user avatar
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floating damage text in 3D

followed this tutorial : the guy is working mostly in 2D, i tried to apply the same method but I'm hating working with UI in godot, everytime I seem to get ...
Cei's user avatar
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now how do I go about making a skill bar and a tool bar?

TLDR QUESTION the main thing I don't understand how do i make it so that when i press a keybind i activate not a skill but a slot in the skillbar and the slot in the skillbar activates the skill extra ...
Cei's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is there some psychological reason for why most game's UI is always the same colors?

Shooter games : Either Blue/teal/azure or other shades of blue and transparent or gray and transparent MMO games : Either blue and transparent or shades of Brown+Gold or a very dark red, so dark it's ...
Cei's user avatar
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Particle system objects in UI disappears/appears on screen unless I change the sorting rank

This happens to all particle systems. I tried: Changing the rendering mode to camera, setting culling mask to UI, particle system layer set to UI Adding a canvas child, and attaching a particle ...
Alex's user avatar
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LocalPosition always (0, 0, 0) on UI component after assigning it in script

I have a card prefab setup to render a card like this: I'm in the process of creating a hand prefab to contain a set of cards and manage the animation to slide in each of the cards. Each hand has 5 ...
Samuel Slade's user avatar
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ScrollView in editor window never reaches the bottommost items

Daniel Lip's user avatar
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Unity How to expand a child in a horizontal layout group to the left

I intend to hover over an item inside a Horizontal layout group and make it expand depending on its position within the carousel. I am able to expand the items upon hovering; however, I want the items ...
CraftedGaming's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

What is the canonical name of the interaction symbol over NPCs heads?

More often than not, 2D and 3D games markup interactive NPCs (and objects) with the exclamation mark symbol. Typically yellow. But of course, sometimes it's an "i" or a small cloud, or other ...
Kromster's user avatar
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How do I implement Minecraft Forge Config GUI (1.8.x)

So I have recently been working on a minecraft 1.8.9 forge mod, just to play around and see what there is (eventually I am planning on making a utilities mod with versions for 1.8-1.19, which is why I'...
MiSt Rocky's user avatar
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Animate buttons sliding in

I am developing my first libGDX game. I want to animate the buttons on the stage, so they transition into view instead of just popping into appearance. For example, each button should slide in from ...
Zerg's user avatar
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Space control nodes evenly in a container in Godot

Is it possible to achieve this behavior with a container in Godot? To explain in more details, the black box is the hypothetical container I'm looking for and the red boxes are children control nodes:...
Eldy's user avatar
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How to get equivalent of "padding" on a button?

I'm using Godot 4. I want to increase the distance between the Button's Text (and possibly icon, later on), and it's outer edges, while keeping the "Colors" options such as "Font Hover ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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Drag and drop differences between Godot 3 and 4?

I'd been following Godot tutorials to add Drag & Drop functionality to Control nodes. They've presumably been created for Godot 3.x, but my project is 4.0. And ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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What's the difference between VBoxContainer and VFlowContainer?

I'm trying to build some UI for my game made in Godot 4.0. I want to make a "Toolbox" scene and need to decide what containers to use. I come from web development, where I'd use a ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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How to handle UI when logical and screen sizes are different?

I am programming a game in SDL2 and I am looking for advice on how to handle interactivity of UI components when the screen resolution and logical resolutions are different. Up to now I have been ...
lancen's user avatar
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Unity UI button not working

I'm creating a game in unity and I can't get the UI buttons to work. Here is what I tried: Added a graphics raycaster to the canvas Added an events system with an Input System UI Input Manager ...
FortCraftCoder's user avatar
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GUI Using WorldToScreenPoint is Out of Control

I want to have a GUI float over a game object using WorldToScreenPoint, similar to this tutorial. However, I am experiencing strange behavior with the GUI. I assume ...
kunokouki's user avatar
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Delay confirmation pop-up for in-app purchase

I'm trying to implement IAP in my game where the user can buy 100 coins. I have used this video tutorial to implement the IAP and this works fine. I want to implement a functionaltiy where once the ...
single arrow games's user avatar

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