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2 answers

How to add the concept of entities and components into an isometric tile map?

To get some practice with SpriteKit, entities and components I built a little demo. I created a SKNode subclass (...
Krumelur's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do you do tile-based movement in Phaser?

I'm looking to make 2D game that is very similar in movement to Pokemon Red or Blue (player must move a full tile in any direction, the ground moves smoothly beneath the player as they walk). I've got ...
Dr. Cyanide's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Find all tiles by ID in layer

In phaser 2.6.2, is there a way to retrieve all tiles given their ID from a TilemapLayer? The method searchTileIndex on Tilemap ...
youri's user avatar
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1 answer

How would I determine whether or not to render the player over or behind a tree in a 2d top down game? [duplicate]

In games like Factorio, you might notice that when the player is at a certain coordinate relative to the tree, it renders in front of the player, thereby giving the effect that the player is behind ...
Zimri Leisher's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I represent blended tiles in a mesh/vertex array?

I recently started making a Terraria clone using the LÖVE library, which is based in OpenGL. In Terraria, for each tile, there is a large texture with all possible combinations for merging with ...
Franz Wexler's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can someone make 3D tiles not looking like perfect cubes?

Here are the graphics an artist did for me: While the texture is nice when seen as image file, I think the tile is somewhat flat. The problem is: If he bevel the cube, then there will be tiling ...
CoffeDeveloper's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I make tilemaps in HTML without using Canvas?

Because of sheer experimentation, I'd like to make a game that contains a tilemap - without using the Canvas API provided for HTML5. Instead, I'd rely on CSS and Javascript (with jQuery). Is there ...
Zoltán Schmidt's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you save the rendering of a tiled map to an image?

Im currently using LibGDX and drawing a tiledmap with the OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer. Is there a way to save one rendering and put it into some file as an image? If you know of a method that doesnt ...
zebleckDAMM's user avatar
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Enemy AI chase twitching left and right to move vertically

I'm making an enemy follow the player based on his possition and attack if he is within a distance and his last movement (if the enemy last moved to the left, it will attack to the left, etc.). It ...
Neko's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Create a seemless grid-based polygonal tileset

The aesthetics I am going for is demonstrated by many simulation games such as Simcity. But I am looking at this particular example: Polygonal Planet Project by Oskar Stålberg. I understand the ...
bitinn's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I place nice-looking tile-based cliffs automatically?

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past had some pretty nice cliffs. I'd like to create something similar, but am having trouble figuring out how to place them. Image is from: How did LoZ: A Link to the ...
user5352515's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I efficiently manage a tile-based map with items and characters?

I'm working on a simple C++ game to learn the language. It's ASCII, and features a tile-based map, enemies and items that spawn randomly. The player is, as usual, the '@' character. I'm trying to find ...
RedKnight91's user avatar
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1 answer

Create Full Tile Map Zone in an Art Software, then generate corresponding tile name list?

I'm completely new to tile map creation. I'm a programmer and I'd like to make life easier for myself. It's a bit long to explain the problem I think I have, but bear with me. The Scenario: From ...
Jordy's user avatar
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1 answer

only one tile being drawn xna c#

I have been looking at tile engines for the past few days and decided to have a go at my own one for educational purposes. I want to use different textures for the tiles of my map, for example 1 = ...
Anonymous5642's user avatar
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Why not tiling on Shader (Sprite/Diffuse)? Unity 5.4.1 f1

Why not have the "Texture Tiling" option in my editor for Sprite / Diffuse?
Igor's user avatar
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1 answer

In my tile-based game, GameObjects are stored in a std::map<Vec2Int, GameObject>, but I want the GameObjects to be in control of their position!

GameObjects are stored in a Tilemap class, within a std::map<Vec2Int, GameObject> container. The Vec2Int struct describes ...
Ashley's user avatar
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0 answers

Batch z-ordering problem in Cocos2d (Python)

I have a weird problem with my hexmap drawing code. My code uses "squished" hexagons to achieve a pseudo-isometric view. Because of that, the order of drawing them on screen matters a lot. ...
Daniel Tyomin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Add and remove tiles? Or better to have them all loaded off screen?

Which method do you expect would have better performance when stressed? It's a 2D tile map where the camera has view of a small portion of the map. As I pan up/down/left/right, should I be adding ...
Neal Davis's user avatar
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How to iterate tiles around an index tile?

I am not exactly sure how to state this question, what I basically want to do is to seed a tile based map with some values. So I asked myself how I could spread some values outgoing from a start tile, ...
frayboitar's user avatar
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Should I use the X-Y-plane when using an orthographic projection in OpenGL?

I'm currently at a loss rendering a tile-based 3D map with an orthographic projection in OpenGL. Imagine any isometric 3D game (using actual geometry instead of sprites). Internally, the tiles of my ...
domsson's user avatar
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Should I combine multiple tiles of terrain as one mesh in Unity3D?

I have a tiled terrain, generated by multiple noise algorithms. Currently, each tile is it's own GameObject, that has a handler for an ...
Frement's user avatar
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1 answer

How to render a single texture across multiple tiles? (Unity2D)

I'm making a top-down style game in Unity 5 (2D). The floor is made up of many tiles (which are each game objects) of different types, eg sand and dirt. I want to render a single texture over all of ...
Infergnome's user avatar
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How to go about implementing pathfinding in Unity with Tiled2Unity map prefabs?

I have created a map using Tiled application and have added collision boxes and used Tiled2Unity to import the map to Unity. The collisions are working with key ...
j4rey's user avatar
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How do I add corner tiles to infinitely generated terrain base tiles? [duplicate]

I have a tileset as seen on the right and they make the images seen on the left: In game I have placed the full grass and full stone tiles for each chunk (infinitely generated) using perlin noise as ...
digitalsoldier0's user avatar
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2 answers

Unity - Tile based river generation

I have made a map generation in my tile based game. It almost exactly does what I want, except for 1 thing. The rivers look like this: The problem with this is, the water is not realistic. It are ...
FlorisdG's user avatar
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2 answers

What is yet another explanation of the difference between sprites and tiles?

I'm making a game where it came to adding a base tile class, but I already have a sprite one, which does the same at first glance. Rasterizers are the ones I should have started with but I missed ...
Caleb's user avatar
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1 answer

LibGDX TexturePacker line problem

I'm trying to use a TextureAtlas for all my textures for better performance. Every time my game starts all my tiles are packed into one texture atlas. I have put following code into my DesktopLauncher ...
ProRed's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

How can I implement smooth tile-based lighting?

I have been working on a 2D tile game and I have implemented hard-edged lighting: I want it to be smoothed out a bit. I don't need shadows or anything, just simple lighting. I'd like it to look more ...
ProRed's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I merge colliders in a tile-based game?

I'm doing a tiled based platformer in unity, and I was having some issues with collisions and I figured the problem was the way my colliders were arranged. So right now, my collision look like this: ...
Felipe Müller's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Best way of approach? Mob moving around a section of tiles

Think the beginning stages of Metroid, where there would be a turtle-like mob that would move around a section of tiles, normally 1-3 in a line. What would be the best approach to accomplish this ...
user avatar
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Algorithm for spacing points out among a line

I'm writing an angled tile system, and my implementation is to have a starting height and an ending height inside the tile. Like so: The starting and ending height allow me to get the length of the ...
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1 answer

Custom Tile Collision Detection Has Trouble With Edges

So, I'm writing my own game to expand on my abilities as a programmer. However, I have come to a writer's-block of sorts. The game I am building uses tile collision, but allows the player to be in an ...
Chris Altig's user avatar
49 votes
3 answers

What is the term for a 3x3 tile set used to create larger areas?

What is the pattern/design name of using a 3x3 tileset (usually in a tiled 2D game) that can be used to create larger areas of itself. For example, these: (Image source) I thought it was a "9 tree" ...
lozzajp's user avatar
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Unity - Check if sprite is within range around player

I need to know if a sprite is within range (circle or square doesn't matter) around the player. If the sprite is, let's say, 100 blocks away from the player, I will disable it. This wouldn't be too ...
FlorisdG's user avatar
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Rectangle in object-layer has wrong coordinates in game

I extended the SuperKoalio LibGDX Example about an Tiled Object Layer in the Tiled Level-Editor and draw a rectangle on this layer. Now I would like to draw this rectangle in my game using the ...
TrustedCreeper's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to code a multi level isometric map?

I have already worked with isometric grids in the past, but in my current project I found an issue I am not sure on how to solve. I am trying to produce something similar to what's in the below screen:...
MKII's user avatar
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How do I create tileable 3D Perlin/Simplex noise?

I have a library which provides functions for 1/2/3/4-D simplex noise. With that I successfuly created a tileable 2D cloud texture (see How do you generate tileable Perlin noise?). Now I want to ...
Pikkostack's user avatar
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3 answers

C++ Platformer Collision

This is very simple, but I have spent nearly 6 months messing with this and it is always messed up. This is a tile platformer, everything is "normal", x and y correspond to tile. Tiles are 32 x 32 ...
Evan Carslake's user avatar
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How to generate tile patterns in one dimension, then in a second dimension?

I'm trying to do a 2D Game that tries to emulate the Crossy Road game logic with the Java's GUI programming environment as a college project. I'm having issues designing the way the 'roads' are ...
NeptaliD's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How would one generate a Navigation Grid for a 3D world?

I am attempting to find a solution to this problem. I'm trying to build a navigation mesh in the format of a grid of vertices locked to x, y floored coordinates in the shape of squares for 3D space. ...
moonshineTheleocat's user avatar
3 votes
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How to resolve push block physics in a 2D side scroller puzzle

I've been working on a 2D tile-based side scroller puzzle game in Unity with obstacles such as doors, keys, fans, portals, etc., but one type of obstacle, push blocks, is giving me some issues. Here ...
tyjkenn's user avatar
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What tile storage method is best for tile-based game?

I am making a simple tile based game. The tiles are Ground and Wall. The entities (dynamic objects) are Box and Player. I am storing tiles as 2d array of enum variables and both Box and Player has own ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Random layout rooms with intersecting walls

I am trying to layout few rectangle rooms on un unlimited map. The main condition is that every next room has to intersect with one of already placed with at least one point of the wall. The number, ...
Olya  Kusaeva's user avatar
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Collision between free player and tilebased map

so I'm working on some sort of platformer in javascript where the map is tilebased but the player can move freely. Now, i have a problem with collision detection/response. It's kind of obvious what I'...
user79268's user avatar
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Determine if set of connected tiles can fit inside grid

Feel free to edit the title; I had a hard time figuring out how to explain it in a single line. Here goes. I'm trying to generate these grids automatically, and randomly. I have a grid of 25 tiles (...
Benny Mose's user avatar
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Pathfinding: longest route along tiles of same type

I'm programming a simple tile-based puzzle game, and I've gotten stuck trying to work out a pathfinding algorithm. Here's how the game is set out: The game board is (arbitrarily) 8 tiles wide by 8 ...
MassivePenguin's user avatar
5 votes
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Where to cast light/shadows in a 2.5D view?

I'm working on a tile-based 2D pseudo top-down/side-on game very much in the graphical style of Prison Archiect. More specifically, I'm referencing their style of drawing wall tiles where you can see ...
Ross Taylor-Turner's user avatar
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Tile tilemapping render error

I'm having rendering issues in Tiled with a border tile I'm applying to shapes. In Tiled: In game: I'm using Tile Flipping to reduce work. I thought this may be the issue, so I tested out a few ...
user3871's user avatar
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Collision resolution when moving in two directions

I am making a bomberman clone and I'm having problems regarding moving on both x and y axis (pressing down+left, down+right, up+left). Here is a video to demonstrate the problem. I use Tiled for the ...
Zik's user avatar
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Does scene2d(libGDX) know when an image is drawn out of the screen?

I mean, I want to make a tiled map using scene2d, so in the render method of my game... ...
Asaltaviejas's user avatar

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