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Questions tagged [tile-bitmasking]

Bitmasking is, in the context of tile-based graphics, a programmatic technique to allow seamless tiling between all tile combinations.

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How would I setup the autotile bitmask for this tile set?

I'm using Godot. I've figured out how to do the main tiles like you see in the following image, but I have no clue where to go from here. The tile set is from PixiVan located here PixiVan Forest Tile ...
KlownHero's user avatar
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How would I bitmask these tiles?

I am using Cup Noobles's Sprout Lands asset pack for my small game. I want to use the wooden house tileset, but I am confused about how to set up its Autotile bitmask in Godot. How can I achieve this?
josie's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

What is a 'Mask' in Game development?

What does it mean a 'mask' in 2D (and possibly 3D) Game development? What would an experience Game Dev understands if I say ´make this Rect a mask´? I know it could be a very broad term and it may ...
Federico Baù's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I bitmask these tiles?

Using Godot. I can't figure out how to bitmask these tiles in order to autotile them. I've examined the templates shown in the Godot Docs Tilemaps tutorial, but none seem appropriate. My own attempts ...
Michael Teasdale's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to make the boundary between materials wavy?

I have a sea trading game that I'm working on developing. Right now, my world looks like this: There are 4 different "biomes", with more to be added. Internally, this is a large mesh which has 4 ...
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Calculating unique ID number from a set of bitmasked tiles

I'm writing a match3-style game where you as player need to match tiles with three or more of the same type. I'm thinking what is the best method to recognize the shapes without writing a monstrosity ...
BadmintonCat's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How can I implement an RPG-maker style

I'm currently working with Phaser, making a game that's procedurally generated. I wanted to use some RPG maker art in my game (for reference, I'm using the RTP). I stumbled across this article, which ...
Seiyria's user avatar
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Correctly bitmasking path tiles based on existing paths

Currently, I have a bitmasking implementation that sometimes incorrectly bitmasks the tiles. Conventionally, it is done correctly, and the math/etc is sound, but it achieves results such as the ...
Pip's user avatar
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Paint game level algorithm

I have a game, and I have a level editor where you can build your level from blocks. Blocks positioned in cells. So blocks can have no neighbours or have one or few neighbours. My problem is that I ...
Dimaga's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can I randomly generate 2D tile-based side-scroller terrain?

I want to randomly generate a map for a 2D sidescroller game using the following tileset: I have found a few great articles on the bitmasking process, for example:
erebel55's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to march tiles together like in Terraria?

I've been trying to get tile marching to work like in Terraria, and I got something to work. I don't think it's actually very good way of doing this, so I'm wondering what would be really the main way ...
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