Questions tagged [terrain]

Used to describe the physical geography of a location. This can include elevation, slope and orientation of features.

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1 answer

How to crop or mask a sprite to a specific shape in Unity (2D)?

I'm trying to do a procedural 2D terrain generation. I've managed to make the function to generate the points, and I've been testing/debugging by creating the terrain using a 2D polygon collider on an ...
Pat's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to vectorize a raster image edges into SVG paths?

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to convert a 2D list of points into an SVG Path representing a political map border. I have completed all parts of a 2D terrain generator, including ...
Kaelan Cooter's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Wrapping 3D noise functions like simplex and perlin in c# [duplicate]

I'm experimenting with loop-able worlds that have a height-map for terrain data. While I can easily create loop-able .BMP textures for this in Photoshop and just load the terrain from them, but that ...
That Homeless Guy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Procedurally Generated Structures over large quantitys of chunks in 3D Terrain Generator

I am creating large scale worlds using 16*16*16 voxel chunks which are stacked up to 32*32*32 in dimensions and I have hit a bit of a Bump in the road so to speak. I want to create large structures ...
That Homeless Guy's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Using PhysX, how can I predict where I will need to generate procedural terrain collision shapes?

In this situation, I have terrain height values I generate procedurally. For rendering, I use the camera's position to generate an appropriate sized height map. For collision, however, I need to have ...
Sion Sheevok's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Planet sized quadtree terrain precision

I've been working on a planet sized and shaped terrain lib for a while (In webgl and Unity) and have a couple of working implementations [Quadtree cubesphere and circular clipmaps]. But both of them ...
RodgerDodger's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I calculate a terrain's normals?

Im trying to implement basic lighting in Opengl 3+ (a sun) with this tutorial : Im building a basic terrain and its ...
Aldo's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Height map renders upside down and/or backwards

After following the tutorial found here: The code at the bottom of this page is what I am using. (I have ...
Colton's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Perlin Noise Help

Okay so I have been trying to make perlin noise, fractal noise to be specific, with mixed success. What I do is I fill 5 arrays with white noise, basically just floating point values. Each array is ...
Wildstorm1's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Help with concrete examples of Perlin Noise variables for terrain generation

I believe this question can help beginner game developers. I've looked through a dozen or so answers on perlin noise here and on Stackoverflow, and found only 1 concrete implementation of perlin noise ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do I need multiple perlin noise generators for different features in terrain generation?

I have a simple perlin noise algorithm in my 2d game, I feed it x and y location of a tile and get some value between 0 and 1. I then use a bunch of if-else statements to break these numbers into ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Ground contact point for animated character sprites in an isometric game?

I'm working on an isometric game. I have the 3D pre-rendered sprites for directions per state (walking/running, etc.) per frame. Now I need to know where a particular character stands on the ground to ...
SmartK8's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Perlin Noise Variations [duplicate]

Currently I'm making a voxel survival game. About a month ago I embarked on procedurally generating terrain using Perlin noise. I understand how to use and apply it for the most part. However I do not ...
Wildstorm1's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Dynamic Terrain Triangulation

Is there someone who know/have an algorithm which can perform terrain triangulation like on the example image right under (there is a secondary image as well). The reason I say "Dynamic" is because I ...
vallentin's user avatar
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1 answer

fragment shader directional light positioning with camera

Im trying to set up directional lighting in the fragment shader. So the direction of my light moves with the camera position. ...
meWantToLearn's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Finding Z given X & Y coordinates on terrain?

I need to know the most efficient way of finding Z given X & Y coordinates on terrain. My terrain is set up as a grid, each grid block consisting of two triangles which may be flipped in any ...
Sparky's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What are some ways to texture map a terrain?

I'm working with XNA on a 3D Game, and I'm trying to have a proper and nice environnement. I actually followed a tutorial to create a terrain from a heightmap. To texture it, I just apply a grass ...
Adrien Neveu's user avatar
1 vote
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Infinite terrain shadows

I'm creating an infinite terrain engine, which generates the terrain either with fractals or noise. How can I make dynamic shadows for the sun on this terrain, if I don't know in advance what will be ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

In GLSL is it possible to offset vertices based on height map colour?

I am attempting to generate some terrain based upon a heightmap. I have generated a 32 x 32 grid and a corresponding height map -> In my vertex shader I am trying to offset the position of the Y ...
Dark Alliance's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Proper updating of GeoClipMaps

I have been working on an implementation of gpu-based geo clip maps, but there is a section of the GPU Gems 2 article that I just can't seem to understand, specifically this paragraph, and more ...
thr's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to march tiles together like in Terraria?

I've been trying to get tile marching to work like in Terraria, and I got something to work. I don't think it's actually very good way of doing this, so I'm wondering what would be really the main way ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is "terrain mesh generation" exactly?

I'm new to computer graphics and need to know and understand what the "terrain mesh generation" is? I read about "terrain", "mesh", "terrain generation" but can't find an article named "terrain mesh ...
kmetin's user avatar
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How can I clean up and smooth out procedurally generated terrain?

I am experimenting with procedural content generation, and starting with generating terrain from fractional brownian noise. The terrain produced looks fairly realistic, but has many artifacts and ...
pasawaya's user avatar
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1 answer

Marching Cubes Terrain [closed]

For the past week I've been researching the Marching Cubes algorithm. I hope to use this for Terrain as it would allow the creation of destruction of terrain. After looking at source code and reading ...
Vangoule's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Wall penetration

I have a terrain with geometry that is fairly ridged. I needed to make sure the player didn't enter the world geometry, so I used sphere-triangle intersections (after narrow down of which tris to ...
bobobobo's user avatar
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2 answers

Procedual terrain generation and biomes/predetermined variation

So I already have some (currently 2D possibly 3D later) simplex noise generation going, and with some experimenting I can make a map for plains, hills, mountains, etc The problem now is I want to ...
Will's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Generating terrain on GPU

In my engine I create infinite terrain with usage of Perlin noise alghoritm computed on CPU. Creation of terrain goes like this: If camera is near unloaded patch, create it Compute 513x513 noise ...
user1075940's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Chunk Texture3D GPU generated vertices

I read GPU Gems 3 from NVidia about procedural terrain. It's quite interesting but not applicable for me because I only read the online version without the shipped ...
AliveDevil's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How is destructable terrain made in SDL?

I'm looking for terrain that gets removed in chunks (like in Worms, of instance). How do you do this in SDL?
aboutstairs's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

2D and 3D Perlin Noise Terrain Generation

I'm using 2d perlin noise to generate a heightmap and then adding 3d perlin noise to the heightmap to create overhangs and ridges. But it's not turning out like I would like it to. There are too many ...
Spynaz's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Voxel Face Crawling (Mesh simplification, possibly using greedy)

Edit: This is just for my own learning experience, it is NOT for performance reasons that I ask this question. This is in regards to a Minecraft-like terrain engine. I store blocks in chunks (...
Mythics's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Unity map size limit?

Does Unity have a map size limit and if there is what is the limit? Is there a way to work around it? I am making a open world zombie survival world and I want to make a really big map. Thanks!
Logan Kirkman's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

create terrain with some vertical cliffs, natural arcades, caves using octree

I am about to start creating the first terrain. I would like to create a terrain with vertical cliffs, natural arcades and caves. For instance in one point the terrain might look like this. I want ...
Marco's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

3D solid object in terrain

Im trying to make a solid object to stay always in the terrain level, but I am facing some problems. The terrain is not flat, I mean, it can have mountains and craters for example. I just have a ASE (...
Leandro Battochio's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Terrain Generation - Advanced [closed]

I need to generate terrain. Easy enough you might say, but I need to create Biomes if you will(Can't link of another name) lakes. Trees and on a height map. So I have really no idea how to use a ...
Jordan Schnur's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What methods are there for representing 3D terrain?

I'm making a terrain system which needs to be procedurally generated and would like to know my options. So far I know of: Height-field terrain, Vector-field terrain, and Voxel terrain. Is there ...
Wolfgang Skyler's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to blend biomes with procedural terrain

I'm working on a terrain generator. Through multiple noise functions, I'm able to create many kinds of terrain I like, but I'm having a bit of difficulty joining them together in a seamless fashion. ...
Mythics's user avatar
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1 answer

Computing uv coordinates on a sphere approximated from an octahedron

Right now I'm texturing the octahedron with the formular from wikipedia(Finding UV on a sphere): UV Coordinates Wikipedia That unfortunately leads to heavy distortion right at the beginning, which of ...
Wipster's user avatar
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2 answers

Moving camera along generated terrain?

I'm generating my terrain on the GPU, using diamond square subdivision (no height map involved). How can I anchor the camera's position to always be on top of the generated terrain? Thanks
Afiefh's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Generating terrain using Marching Cubes

I searched around the web but I found nothing that could help me, so I'm asking here. I'm trying to procedurally generate terrain using the marching cubes algorithm, and I can generate a mesh. The ...
Sammael's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to determine character's foot contact point on a uniform triangle mesh terrain?

For a terrain that is modelled by a heightmap with a uniform triangle mesh, what are some techniques I could use to determine the contact point of the foot of a character standing on the terrain? ...
xenon's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Cave generation with Perlin worms

I'm currently trying to generate a Minecraft like voxel terrain with 3D Simplex Noise and also want to implement caves. I found the method of Perlin Worms in this thread, which generates really nice ...
user000user's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Enhancing ambient occlusion via vert colors on vertex lit scene

We have a deformable terrain surface. Initially ambient occlusion was baked, but since the terrain can deform in real time, this approach isn't practical anymore. Therefore we used vertex paint to ...
Mungoid's user avatar
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1 answer

Voxel terrain engine [closed]

Is there some voxel frameworks or extensions for game engines like Unity? I really need a system to dynamically generate voxel ruinable terrains.
Arthur Halma's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I improve terrain rendering batch counts using DirectX?

We have determined that our terrain rendering system needs some work to minimize the number of batches being transferred to the GPU in order to improve performance. I'm looking for suggestions on how ...
gamer747's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

XNA seams between 3d primitives in tiled terrain

Every time I draw two primitives side by side, in this case two quads, I always get this seam-like tearing effect right along the sides of them. I'd like to think there is just an easy fix, but the ...
user26423's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Movement on a curved planet surface

I'm looking for a solution for moving a variety of objects over the uneven surface of my planet. The idea is that I will have a number of objects that follow the planetary landscape moving about in ...
Caius Eugene's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Collision detection with heightmap based terrain

I am developing a 2D tank game. The terrain is generated by Midpoint Displacement Algorithm, so the terrain is represented by an array: ...
MengT's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to create a walkable 3D terrain

I want to make a terrain for a RPG game that I'm developing. I started modeling the surface and implementing it to my game, but now I realized that i might be doing everything wrong. So I would like ...
Subtle Development Space's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

2D destructable terrain with collisions in MMO

Task What I want is to create destructable terrain (like in Worms) and collisions with this terrain (with calculated normals) that will be fast enough to work on server machine. Basically lets say ...
Rafał Łużyński's user avatar

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