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circles originating from player position not showing up on pygame window

I'm kinda new to python and pygame, anyone know why this won't show bullets coming out from my character? ...
luckee365's user avatar
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How do I change only the angle of a certain PNG relative to the position of the mouse? (Python, Pygame)

Basically, I'm doing a game for a school project and I am not really sure how to make a player point towards the mouse pointer in a pygame tab. also if anyone has ideas of how i could point a bullet ...
luckee365's user avatar
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2D - How to make a gun muzzle aim at the mouse when the rotation pivot isn't on the muzzle?

I'm making a simple 2D shooter game in pygame and I've come across an issue when making the character aim its gun at the mouse. To make the gun aim up and down, I've set it so that the gun uses the ...
jaregax432-awinceo's user avatar
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Rotating Weapon Towards mouse.position

OK guys i have tried lots of things and researched but cannot find a solution please someone give me hope.. So on my phone when i am playing i want to shoot with a screen button in the canvas that is ...
Todd Weiss's user avatar
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How can I make the player "look" to the mouse direction? (Pygame / 2D)

Here's my code: ...
Ericson Willians's user avatar
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My bullet changes the velocity depending on where I click

I want to build a little 2D-Sidescrolling shooter and I'm now at the shooting script. I already figured out how to shoot a bullet towards my mouse pointer. I got something like this : ...
TobiasW's user avatar
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