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Questions tagged [screen-management]

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2 votes
1 answer

Unity build changes its resolution after going to windowed mode and then back to fullscreen

It seems to me that this behavior is incorrect (or at least illogical). Correct me if I'm wrong. Repro (Unity 2020.3.26f1 LTS / default project settings): Run the build (in fullscreen by default): ...
Serg's user avatar
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1 answer

Get all supported resolutions for a monitor

I've been receiving complaints from users that my game doesn't support the 16:10 aspect ratio. Currently I list everything in Screen.resolutions in a dropdown and ...
mr-matt's user avatar
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How to properly resize canvas according to screen size? (Javascript)

So, as the question says I need to resize the canvas according to screen size. However the thing is that that's not it. I also need to have the mouse coordinates updated proportionally. Seems like I ...
Nirabhra's user avatar
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3 answers

Using gametime.ElapsedGameTime to trigger an event

I have a splashscreen object that waits for a user input before loading the next screen, but I would also like the next screen to load after a certain amount of time has passed. I tried adding a check ...
Ryan Ennis's user avatar
3 votes
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Setting resolution of multiple display screens

in my unity project I have multiple screens. How can I set resolution of each screen? I know Screen.SetResolution(1366,768,true); sets the resolution of a single ...
virtouso's user avatar
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Is there a term of art for the collection of non-gameplay screens or pages

Is there a term of art for the collection of non-gameplay screens or pages in a game. I am thinking of screens such as: title screen options menu (key bindings, volume, graphics quality) credits ...
Ken's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How do I handle Game Screens in LibGDX?

In my game the main screen is the playscreen. But because I want to draw the menu and the gameover screen on top of the playscreen, I don't create separate screens for them. But if I want to replay, I ...
Sharpirate's user avatar
1 vote
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Switching Screens without initializing them every time

I have a UI with four Screens (all extending a "main Screen") that users switch between very frequently, at the moment I am switching Screens using ...
Green_qaue's user avatar
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Libgdx switching between screens without losing Information

I've been having issues with Screens, as I want to switch between the main game screen, the battle screen and the ingame menu screen (JRPG). The problem is that I have initialised all the information (...
RayShawnOfNapalm's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is the Basic Game Screen/Scene Life Cycle?

Question What is the standard or basic game screen/scene life cycle used in most games? What is Screen/Scene? The term screen or scene refers to the current displayed entity holder where game ...
dovicz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to implement user friendly screen panning on 3D HTML canvas for RTS game

How can I get RTS map panning like how it was done in C&C red alert (with the mouse at the edge of the screen moves the screen in that direction) with a Babylon.js RTS game in the html canvas? ...
Nikos's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Libgdx screen keeping text on screen from main Game class

In my libGDX app I have some text running on the main Game class, and when I switch to a different screen the text is still there? Can anyone explain this please. Also in my main class it is changing ...
dan14941's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Fullscreen transition time

I'm not sure whether this is the correct site to ask this question, but why does it sometimes (game-specific, usually) take really long to enter / exit a fullscreen game (black screen for ~1-5s)? And ...
Moritz Gunz's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Keeping ratio the same across devices on fixed screen game

My game is an Android game using OpenGL ES 2.0 (But this question could apply to any platform). I have read many questions on here regarding ratio management, and also read many tutorials outside of ...
BungleBonce's user avatar
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Restarting a game

I'm having trouble restarting a 2D game when the user presses the "New Game" button. Structure of my game: The game has several 'screens': Opening screen, instructions screen, main game screen, and ...
user3150201's user avatar
0 votes
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Switching screens in a game

I am working on a simple 2D game in Java. I want the game to have an opening screen, instructions screen, and the screen with the game itself. From the opening screen the user presses buttons to get ...
user3150201's user avatar
1 vote
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MonoGame - when/how to save data

I am making a simple 2d game for WP in monogame/xna and am at a point where I want to save data. I have created a method to serialize the data (index, counter and percentage counter) to an isolated ...
Pectus Excavatum's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Unity3d and Windows 8 run game in frame

How do I set Unity3D to run my game on Windows 8 in a fixed size frame (with a border around it) and not in fullscreen? I tried setting this in the Unity script and in the final C# project, but ...
floAr's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Formula for converting ratio of current device to target device

I am designing my (Android/OpenGL ES 2.0) app on one device and want it to run all all other devices while keeping the screen ratio of the development device (so the image doesn't stretch / squash), ...
BungleBonce's user avatar
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State / Screen management in Entity Component Systems

My entity/component system is happily humming along and, despite some performance concerns I initially had, everything is working fine. However, I've realized that I missed a crucial point when ...
3Dave's user avatar
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